Beaconsfield, TAS - Uniting

Year Built: 1909

Denomination: Uniting

Address: 125 Weld Street, Beaconsfield, Tasmania, 7270

Previous Denomination: Methodist

Architect: Unknown

Last Updated: 21/08/2021

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History and Architecture:

Gold mining attracted many Methodist Cornishmen to settle in this district. In 1861 services were held at Supply River with preachers provided from Launceston. In 1878 the Primitive Methodists came to Beaconsfield and by 1880 the Rev C.R. Rice took up ministry there as part of the Launceston Mission. By 1891 Beaconsfield was created a separate circuit. About 1879 a chapel had been built, but after Methodist Union was moved to Sandy Beach.

A Foundation stone on the church building reads, " This stone was laid by T.H. Waldon M.A. ..... 9th May A.D. 1909". A stone on the hall next door reads, " This stone was laid by Hon Neil Campbell M.L.C. on 4th October 1958".


This list may not contain every serving cleric, past or present, for this church.
Further submissions welcomed.

Years Name Annotation D.o.B D.o.D
1880 - Rev C. R. Rice M
1919 - 1922 Rev Percy O. Parnaby M 1971
1925 - 1928 Rev Gustaff W.J. Wilson M 1969
1931 - 1933 Rev Robert W. Uren M
1936 - 1939 Rev Reginald A. Medson M
1943 - 1946 Rev Mervyn H. Fletcher M
1946 - 1949 Rev Jack D. Lutge M 1920 2014
1949 - 1954 Rev Alfred K. Wilhelms M 2013
1954 - 1958 Rev John E. Richards M
1958 - 1960 Rev Jan Van Duren M 2004
1961 - Rev John L. Lukies M


1. Australasian Methodist Ministerial Index.
2. The Ryerson Index.
3. Tasmanian Methodism 1820 - 1975. 287.1946 TAS