Benalla, VIC - Holy Trinity Anglican

Year Built: 1860

Denomination: Anglican

Address: 67 Arundel Street, Benalla, Victoria, 3672

Architect: Walter Butler

Traditional Owners: Yorta Yorta people

Last Updated: 21/01/2023

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History and Architecture:

The earliest church services for Church of England (Anglicans) in Benalla was recorded in 1849 when Bishop Perry of Melbourne visited the settlement. The service was performed in the original court house. By 1854 an allotment of land at the corner of Bridge, Thomas and Martin Place had been set aside for a church, school and hall.*

The church was apparently built in 1860 going by the fact the first marriage was held on 5 April of that year. The church was dedicated by Bishop Perry on 16 May 1865.*

By 1876 the roof needed replacing and in 1882 the church bell was acquired. Gas was installed in 1889. Between 1900 and 1904 the church purchased the old Primitive Methodist church in East Benalla allowing it to set up a Chapel of Ease and Sunday School. A loan by Mrs Tapp assisted the purchase. A ventilation system was installed around 1905.*

The Church was altered in 1905 to designs of Walter Butler, again in 1907 to designs of Butler and Bradshaw, and most recently, in the 1970s, when the vestry and organ chamber were converted to become a side chapel and the side porch altered to become a vestry.*

The Church Hall is a plain shed-like building constructed of brick with a gable roof believed to be based on a design by Louis Williams, who was later responsible for the design of a number of Anglican Churches. The Rectory lies at the far end of the complex, and is a single-storey brick dwelling.


This list may not contain every serving cleric, past or present, for this church.
Further submissions welcomed.

Years Name Annotation D.o.B D.o.D
1855 - 1856 Rev E. Puckle
1857 - 1858 Rev Thomas B. Garlick
1859 - 1867 Rev J. Freeman
1867 - 1876 Rev J. Sheldon
1876 - 1880 Rev S. B. Scott
1880 - 1891 Rev E. Rodda
1891 - 1900 Rev Joseph Allen 1849 1926
1900 - 1904 Rev John Stephen Hart 1866 1952
1904 - 1909 Rev W. Parkes
1910 - 1914 Rev Eustace Vernon Wade 1877 1967
1914 - 1919 Rev Percy John Thomas Edwards 1851 1940
1919 - 1928 Rev N. D. Herring
1928 - 1936 Rev Gordon Nelson 1881 1941
1936 - 1942 Rev Claude Milton Kennedy
1942 - 1948 Rev R. C.H. Crigan
1949 - 1958 Rev Francis C.B. Moyle
1958 - 1983 Rev E.T. Payne Croston
1963 - 1965 Rev Malcolm Leonard Crawley Asst 1939
1967 - 1968 Rev William Joseph Squire
1974 - 1977 Rev John Gordon Wheeler 1922
1979 - 1980 Rev Christopher Cariston Seton
1983 - 1995 Rev R. J. McInnes
1990 - Rev H. J. Edwards
1991 - 1992 Rev Steven Ross Salmon Asst C
1993 - 1995 Rev David Kenneth Still Asst


The first organ was purchased in 1872 and replaced at a cost of £98.00.*


1. Holy Trinity Church Benalla, a short History. LPT 283.9455 H74H
2. Australian Heritage Database