Casino, NSW - Uniting

Year Built: 1959

Denomination: Uniting

Address: Dairy Street, Casino, New South Wales, 2470

Architect: Loder & Dunphy

Traditional Owners: Galibal people

Last Updated: 24/05/2024

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History and Architecture:

In 1945 it was decided to sell the Caniaba Church and land and to erect a new Church on a new site.

Late 1956 and early 1957 saw the completion of negotiations which enabled the Trustees, after having called a public meeting to assess our people's wishes in the matter to purchase three blocks of land on the corner of Canterbury and Diary Streets, to serve as the Central Church Site.


These names are now in the database and can be seached individually

Years Name Annotation D.o.B D.o.D
1909 - 1912 Rev T. Manning Taylor M 1881 1965
1913 - 1916 Rev Percy L. Black M 1884 1972
1917 - 1920 Rev Raymond H. Doust M 1889 1969
1923 - 1926 Rev William E. Wood M
1930 - 1934 Rev Arthur J. Keeling M 1894 1985
1944 - 1948 Rev Robert A. Bell M
1948 - 1952 Rev Donald F. Boorman M 1906 1992
1938 - 1940 Rev Walter Whitbread M
1940 - 1944 Rev Alan H. Cropp M
1952 - 1956 Rev Garland James Dillon M 1909 2011
1956 - 1961 Rev Stanley T. Redden M
1961 - Rev Geoffrey L. Francis M
2020 - Rev Peter Overton U


No information currently available. Submissions welcomed.


1. 2024 Simon Saunders Architect details.


1. Methodist Church of Australasia Ministerial Index
2. 70 years of Methodism in the Casino district, 1888-1958. From Illuminate.