Delamare, SA - Uniting

Year Built: 1870

Denomination: Uniting

Address: Yoho Road, Delamere, South Australia, 5204

Previous Denomination: Methodist

Architect: Unknown

Last Updated: 02/09/2023

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History and Architecture:

Formerly a Wesleyan / Methodist church it was opened in 1858. The porch was opened in 1983. There is an ancillary cemented-stone building immediately to the north, as a hall and Sunday School room. On that building is a white marble tablet, commemorating 70 years of Church life, at December 1928.


These names are now in the Database and can be searched individually.

Years Name Annotation D.o.B D.o.D
1858 - Rev Nathaniel Bennett WM
1859 - Rev W. Bennett WM
1859 - Rev H. T. Burgess WM
1859 - Rev H. Bath WM
1859 - Rev C. H. Goldsmith WM
1864 - Rev Mathew Wilson WM
1866 - 1868 Rev T. Edmeades WM
1869 - 1872 Rev C. T. Newman WM
1872 - 1874 Rev W. S. Worth WM
1875 - 1877 Rev J. Read WM
1878 - 1880 Rev S. M. Rowe WM
1880 - 1884 Rev J. Watts WM
1884 - 1886 Rev W. H. Hanton WM
1887 - 1889 Rev E. Barber WM
1892 - Rev T. Angwin WM
1893 - 1896 Rev G. Hall WM
1897 - 1899 Rev J. J. Nicholls WM
1900 - 1900 Rev J. Allen M
1900 - 1900 Rev J. H. Ashton M
1901 - 1901 Rev H. Holmes M
1902 - Rev S. J. Batten M
1904 - 1905 Rev W. F. James M
1904 - 1907 Rev Charles E. Williams M
1908 - 1909 Rev Arnold E. Smith M
1910 - 1912 Rev George W. Johnston M
1913 - 1916 Rev E. A. Pederick M
1916 - 1919 Rev G. H. Paynter M
1919 - 1922 Rev C. C.G. Carvosso M
1922 - 1926 Rev Earnest Lawson M
1926 - 1929 Rev F. Close M
1929 - 1932 Rev H. A. Miller M
1932 - 1935 Rev H. C. Hill M
1935 - 1938 Rev J. C. Jennison M
1938 - 1942 Rev Thomas Officer M
1943 - 1947 Rev Frank Greig M
1947 - 1950 Rev Lionel Ashman M
1950 - 1953 Rev Sydney Farmer M
1953 - 1956 Rev I. R. Moulton M
1956 - 1962 Rev M. D. Giles M
1963 - 1966 Rev S. W. Line M
1967 - 1967 Rev Dwyer M
1968 - 1971 Rev M. A. Lind M
1972 - 1973 Rev S. B. Trigg M
1974 - 1976 Rev R. E. West M
1977 - Rev David Trebilco U
1978 - Rev R. E. West U
1981 - 1982 Rev Kammaerman U
1983 - 1988 Rev John Magor U
1983 - 1988 Pastor Brian Locum
1983 - 1988 Rev Tugwell Locum
2003 - 2006 Rev Dean Pearce U
2003 - 2006 Rev John Magor Locum
2007 - Rev Jane McDonald


No information currently available. Submissions welcomed.


1. SA Uniting Church Historical Society, The Little White Chapel by Ron Roach.