Eldorado, VIC - Uniting

Denomination: Uniting

Address: 78 Main Street, Eldorado, Victoria, 3746

Previous Denomination: Wesleyan Methodist

Architect: Unknown

Last Updated: 28/08/2022

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History and Architecture:

The Wangaratta Methodist circuit had its beginnings at Eldorado in 1860 with the first Wesleyan Methodist service being conducted by Rev J.W. Crisp being held at the Eastern end of the Eldorado valley.

In 1914 the new church was opened on land donated by William Ellis.


This list may not contain every serving cleric, past or present, for this church.
Further submissions welcomed.

Years Name Annotation D.o.B D.o.D
1870 - 1871 Rev A. Brown WM
1871 - 1872 Rev William Burridge WM 1848 1912
1872 - 1873 Rev J. De Q Robin WM
1873 - 1874 Rev W. Williams WM 1848 1913
1874 - Rev E Davidson WM
1874 - Rev H. Salaway WM
1875 - 1877 Rev S. Adamson WM 1850 1929
1877 - 1878 Rev E Orlando Knee WM 1847 1915
1878 - 1879 Rev W. Reed WM
1879 - 1880 Rev John Leslie WM 1848 1931
1906 - 1907 Mr J. H. Payne WM
1907 - 1908 Mr F. T. Heriot WM
1908 - 1909 Mr I Young WM
1909 - 1910 Mr R. S. Morris WM
1912 - 1913 Mr J. J. Cole WM
1913 - 1914 Mr J. T. Duggleby WM
1914 - 1915 Mr G. L. Walker WM
1915 - 1917 Mr G. H. Shepherd WM
1917 - 1918 Mr S. N. Newnham WM
1918 - 1919 Mr A. J. Somerville WM
1919 - 1920 Mr W. J. Yourn WM
1920 - 1925 Mr J. Leach Student
1925 - 1926 Mr N. Hinde WM
1926 - 1928 Mr E Pryor WM
1928 - 1934 Mr R. J. Simpson WM
1934 - 1936 Rev J. D. Wade WM
1936 - 1937 Mr A. R. Tippett WM
1937 - 1938 Mr G. E. Boyd WM
1938 - 1939 Mr J. D. Robinson WM
1939 - 1940 Mr R. Cooper WM
1940 - 1942 Mr K Sholl WM
1942 - 1944 Mr J. E. Wright WM
1944 - 1945 Mr D. L. McCaskill WM
1945 - Mr A. C. Boquest WM
1945 - Mr A. A. Quick Student
1946 - Mr V. C. Jones WM
1947 - Mr W. J. Laws WM
1947 - Mr L. D. McIntosh WM
2020 - Rev Veronica Bradley U


No information currently available. Submissions welcomed.


1. Centenary of Methodism in Wangaratta 1869 - 1969. LTP 287.099455 C33R
2. Eldorado.org.au