Eudunda, SA - Church of St Hilda Anglican

Year Built: 1883

Denomination: Anglican

Address: Ward Street, Eudunda, South Australia, 5374

Previous Denomination: Lutheran

Architect: Unknown

Traditional Owners: Peramangk people

Last Updated: 16/01/2022

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History and Architecture:

The Foundation stone was laid on 11 December 1883 and the church is the oldest stand church in Eudunda. The church was dedicated as St Trinitatis Lutheran Church in 1884. It was sold to the Church of England in 1888 and dedicated in 1889.

The Vestry dates fr0m 1885.


This list may not contain every serving cleric, past or present, for this church.
Further submissions welcomed.

Years Name Annotation D.o.B D.o.D
1889 - 1891 Rev Frederick Taylor Whittington
1891 - 1894 Rev George Edward Young 1852 1937
1894 - 1901 Rev Charles Soward Hornabrook 1859 1922
1902 - 1908 Rev G. Griffiths
1905 - 1906 Rev A. B. Wyrill
1908 - 1909 Rev Henry Edward Inger 1882 1963
1910 - 1916 Rev D. A. Kerr
1914 - 1928 Rev E W.M.M. Hines Mission
1929 - 1932 Rev Walter Harold Miller 1883 1942
1932 - 1935 Rev William Archibald Moore 1875 1946
1950 - 1955 Rev G. C. Mellowship


No information currently available. Submissions welcomed.