Kalamunda, WA - Holy Family Catholic

Denomination: Roman Catholic

Address: 2 Burt Street, Kalumunda, Western Australia, 6076

Architect: Unknown

Traditional Owners: Whadjuk Noongar people

Last Updated: 30/07/2024

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History and Architecture:

In October 1942, three vacant blocks of land were bought for £188 as a site for the future church. In 1954 the church was built. Red brick and tile church with feature rendered buttresses dividing the side elevations into bays. Timber framed arched windows. Front elevation contains two small arched windows with entrance porch below.


This list may not contain every serving cleric, past or present, for this church.
Further submissions welcomed.

Years Name Annotation D.o.B D.o.D
1925 - 1935 Father John Wallace 1980
1931 - Father Michael Winston
1936 - Father John Cullen 1987
1937 - 1938 Father Patrick Sheridan 1939
1938 - 1942 Father Raphael Pace 1953
1943 - Father Cornelious Casey 1980
1943 - 1945 Father Francis Ryan
1946 - 1947 Father Charles Cunnngham MBE
1947 - Father Thomas McCaul
1948 - 1959 Father Francis Keannan DD
1959 - 1962 Father John Nolan
1962 - 1969 Father Willem Van Baar DD
1967 - 1973 Father Cornelious Van Baar
1970 - 1982 Father Dom Cremasco
1979 - Father Paul Goodland
1982 - Father Brian Byrne
1983 - 1988 Father John Chokolich
1988 - 1992 Father Leon Anderson
1988 - Father John Cranley
2006 - Father Patrick Lim
2006 - 2011 Father Paul Raj
2011 - 2015 Father Greg Donavan
2015 - 2023 Father Antony Suresh
2023 - Father Anand Reddy


No information currently available. Submissions welcomed.


1. Inherit Heritage database.
2. Deceased Clergy in Australia, 1788-2024
3. Church website.