McLaren Vale, SA - Congregational (Former)

Year Built: 1860

Denomination: Congregational

Architect: Unknown

Traditional Owners: Kaurna people

Last Updated: 18/07/2022

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History and Architecture:

The laying of the Foundation stone took place on 27 July 1860 and the church opened on 20 February 1861. It was once a a unique performance space for acoustic music now The Sabella Cellar Door opened in 2019.


This list may not contain every serving cleric, past or present, for this church.
Further submissions welcomed.

Years Name Annotation D.o.B D.o.D
1845 - 1850 Rev Isaac Prior
1851 - 1858 Rev Charles Fishbourne Hall 1877 1954
1859 - 1894 Rev James Howie
1895 - 1907 Rev Chas Hodge
1907 - 1911 Rev S. A. Faulkiner
1911 - 1916 Rev Herbert George Nelson 1966
1917 - 1919 Rev G. Mueller
1920 - 1922 Rev W. G. Cowley
1922 - 1924 Rev L Pleass
1925 - Rev H. C. Noll
1927 - 1932 Rev P. H. Rowland
1933 - 1934 Rev J. Douglas
1935 - 1939 Rev H. R. Ballard
1939 - 1943 Rev S. W. Parker
1944 - Rev Henry A. Parrott


No information currently available. Submissions welcomed.


1. McLaren Vale Congregational Church Centenary 1844 - 1944. SA 285.894232 M161 1944
2. Flickr as per copryright conditions