Mitcham, SA - Baptist

Denomination: Baptist

Address: 20 Albert Street, Mitcham, South Australia, 5062

Architect: Unknown

Traditional Owners: Kaurna people

Last Updated: 17/12/2024

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History and Architecture:

It was on September the 8th 1858 that three dauntless Christians , Mr and Mrs Wauchope, and Mr John Heritage met in Mitcham and formed themselves into a Church. They drew up and signed a covenant which read, " We the undersigned hereby agree to unite in church fellowship having given a statement of our Christian experience in the presence of each other and having sort direction of the Lord". And so the Mitcham Baptist Church was born.


These names are now in the database and can be search individually

Years Name Annotation D.o.B D.o.D
1861 - 1873 Rev Thomas Playford 1795 1873
1874 - Rev T. C. Davis 1875
1875 - 1882 Rev James Gray
1882 - 1888 Rev W. Coller
1888 - Rev R. Woolcock
- 1906 Rev John Paynter
1906 - 1914 Rev Robert McCullough
1958 - Rev Stewart Mitchell
1960 - 1971 Rev Doug Davis
1971 - Rev Norman Porter
- Rev Keith Chessell
2020 - Rev Dr Andrew Menzies


No information currently available. Submissions welcomed.


1. Mitcham Baptist Church 1858 - 1958