Oakleigh, VIC - St David's Uniting

Year Built: 1912

Denomination: Uniting

Saint: David

Address: 154 Drummond Street, Oakleigh, Victoria, 3166

Architect: C.B. Leith & Burbridge Leith

Last Updated: 26/03/2024

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History and Architecture:

This Church building replaced the Methodist Church on the Broadway, St Paul’s. The smaller building next to St David’s, on the north side, is the original church building at this site, now used as St David’s hall.

A Foundation stone on the Church building reads, " To the Glory of God this stone was laid by Rev A. McCallum D.D. September 1st 1928. Browning & Bladen Architects Rev Wesley Johns Minister W.A. Medbury Builder. A Foundation stone on the Church Hall reads, " Memorial stone laid by His Excellency Sir John Fuller Bart KCMG Governor of Victoria Rev S Adamson President Rev W.E. Secomb Supt of Circuit C.B. Leith & Burbridge Leith Architects R.L. Phillips Builder 14th Dec 1912". 


This list may not contain every serving cleric, past or present, for this church.
Further submissions welcomed.

Years Name Annotation D.o.B D.o.D
1912 - Rev Wesley Johns


No information currently available. Submissions welcomed.