St Peter's, SA - Baptist
Denomination: Baptist
Address: 92 First Avenue, St Peters, South Australia, 5069
Architect: Unknown
Traditional Owners: Kaurna people
Last Updated: 20/11/2024
History and Architecture:
A Foundation stone reads, " St Peters Baptist Church This stone was laid by Sir Charles Goode February 22 1913". A further Foundation stone reads, " Soldiers Memorial This stone was laid by Rev. Sandford Fleming B.D. June 10th 1922 Their name liveth forever". A further Foundation stone on the Church Hall reads, " Laid by Mr Mark King President S.A.B.U. April 12th 1930".
The Hall is called the A.V. Mitton Memorial Hall 1930.
There are currently no clergy recorded for this church. Submissions are welcomed.
No information currently available. Submissions welcomed.