Thomastown, VIC - Lutheran

Year Built: 1856

Denomination: Lutheran

Address: German Lane, Thomastown, Victoria, 3074

Architect: Unknown

Traditional Owners: Wurundjeri people

Last Updated: 28/04/2024

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History and Architecture:

The Church was erected in 1856 and opened by Pastor Goethe on 17 November. It is the oldest Lutheran Church in Victoria. Constructed of blue stone the floors and ceilings are made of imported softwood. Architecturally the building is a late example of Colonial Georgian design, particularly unusual for this time and for the use of Gothic detailed bargeboards on a Classical building.


These names are now in the Database and can be searched individually.

Years Name Annotation D.o.B D.o.D
1852 - 1867 Pastor Matthias Goethe I 1827 1876
1868 - 1914 Pastor Hermann Herlitz VS 1834 1920
1914 - 1923 Pastor Karl Eugen Gutekunst VS 1872 1961
1923 - 1934 Pastor T. Frank UELCA
1935 - 1941 Pastor Edwald Hermann Otto Steininger UELCA 1901 1964
1941 - 1947 Pastor Johannes Gottfried Simpfendoerfer UELCA 1891 1949
1947 - 1951 Pastor Philipp Adolf Scherer UELCA 1920 1999
1951 - 1964 Pastor Edwald Hermann Otto Steininger UELCA 1901 1964
1960 - 1966 Pastor G. Klein UELCA
1964 - 1973 Pastor Ernst S. Seyler UELCA & LCA
1967 - 1980 Pastor Hans Wolfgang Metzner LCA
1973 - 1974 Pastor Horst Prey LCA
1975 - 1982 Pastor Waldemar Kostizen LCA
1983 - 1983 Pastor Johannes Achilles LCA
1983 - 1992 Pastor Graham Norman Zweck LCA
1994 - 2004 Pastor Stephen John Pietsch LCA
2004 - 2013 Pastor Brett Anthony Kennett LCA
2014 - Pastor Tim P. Stringer LCA


No information currently available. Submissions welcomed.


1. Lutheran Archives with permission.