Wembley, WA - Uniting (Former)

Denomination: Uniting

Address: 35 Pangbourne Street, Wembley, Western Australia, 6014

Previous Denomination: Methodist

Architect: Ronald Escort Turner

Traditional Owners: Mooro people

Last Updated: 04/02/2024

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History and Architecture:

The first Methodist Church in Wembley was held in a private home in 1917. In 1921, the timber Bullfinch Methodist Church building was purchased for £50 plus 7% interest, and railed to the site. The building was erected on the site throughout 1922 with volunteer labour and opened in February 1923. This building was built to the rear of the lot and functioned as the church until the growth of the congregation demanded a larger building. The Wembley Methodist Church resolved to build a new church on the front of the lot and plans were prepared by parishioner Ronald Escort Turner.

The opening was undertaken by Mrs W.G.Hyde, the widow of Rev W.G.Hyde, a former conference president associated with Wembley. The dedication was performed by Rev R.H. Mason representing the President of the conference.

The Church was for sale in 2023.


There are currently no clergy recorded for this church. Submissions are welcomed.


No information currently available. Submissions welcomed.


1. Heritage Council of WA.