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Saint: George
Alberton, SA - St George's Anglican
Address: 88 Port Road, , Alberton South Australia, 5014
Annerley, QLD - St George Ethiopian Orthodox
Address: 15 Eric Crescent, , Annerley Queensland, 4103
Battery Point, TAS - St George's Anglican
Year Built: 1847
Address: 30 Cromwell Street, Hobart, Battery Point Tasmania, 7004
Located on the highest point of Battery Point, once known as Kermode's Hill the Church was designed by two of Hobart's earliest and best known architects. The land was in fact purchased from William Kermode for 250.00. It was designed in the Neo-Classical style by the Government architect, John Lee Archer, designing the body of the…
Beenleigh, QLD - St George's Anglican
Address: 10 Tansey Street, , Beenleigh Queensland, 4207
The land on which the church was built was donated by Michael Tansey after whom Tansey Street was named. The original St George’s Anglican Church was officially opened on the 16th September 1875 at 10 Tansey Street Beenleigh. The original building was moved in 1981 to the Beenleigh Historical Village.
Beenleigh, QLD - St George's Anglican (Former)
Address: 205 Main Street, , Beenleigh Queensland, 4207
Originally situated in Tansey Street, the Church has the distinction of being the first church to be built in the town. The land on which it was built was donated by Michael Tansey, an early Beenleigh settler and businessman. The church was designed by Queensland Colonial Architect, Francis Drummond Greville Stanley, and built at a…
Bexley, NSW - St George North Anglican
Address: Corner Dunmore & Albyn Streets, , Bexley New South Wales, 2207
Boisdale, VIC - St George's Anglican
Address: Main Street, , Boisdale Victoria, 3860
A plaque on the brick fence reads, " This fence is erected in memory of Trevor Harvey Died Dec 9th 1952".
Broadford, VIC - St George's Presbyterian
Year Built: 1912
Address: Corner High & Hamilton Streets, , Broadford Victoria, 3658
The original church was a small wooden Methodist church built in 1895, opened on 9 June and demolished in 1912. The Builder was Mr McDonald of Broadford. A Foundation stone was laid by M McKenzie MLA on 1 June 1912 when a newer church was erected. The builder was James Sutherland and the church was opened the first week of December 1912;…
Burnie, TAS - St George's Anglican
Year Built: 1884
Address: 52 Mount Street, , Burnie Tasmania, 7320
The first moves for the provision of an Anglican church at Burnie began in the mid-1840s after the visits of the Rev. Grigg from Circular Head and the Rev. Waterfield from the settlement at the Forth River. The Launceston Advertiser of 9 November 1844 under the heading Churches of the Interior reported: At the new but populous settlement…
Campania, TAS - St George's Anglican
Year Built: 1894
Address: 6 Lee Street, Campania, Campania Tasmania, 7026
The church was consecrated in 1894. It was built and furnished at a cost of £450. Mr and Mrs H.J. Brock donated £300 towards the completion of the church. It was consecrated in November 1894 and was renovated in 1920. The Rt. Rev. H. H. Montgomery, Bishop of Tasmania (father of Field Marshal Montgomery of El Alamein fame) would have…
Carnarvon, WA - St George's Anglican
Year Built: 1907
Address: 10 Francis Street, , Carnarvon Western Australia, 6701
The Church was constructed of local red brick at a cost of £1400 donated by local pastoralists. The church was designed by architect J. H. Eales directly behind the original church built in 1894. The bricks used in the construction were locally made from pindan clay by the contractor, Sidney Stansmore. The foundation stone at St George’s…
Corinella, VIC - St George's Anglican
Year Built: 1952
Address: 24 Smythe Street, , Corinella Victoria, 3984
A Foundation stone reads, " To the Glory of God this stone was laid by The Right Reverend D.B. Blackwood M.A. TH.D. V.D. 9th October 1952. Vicar The Reverend J.H. Shilton TH.L.".
Dartmoor, VIC - St George Anglican (Former)
Year Built: 1885
Address: 82 Greenham Street, , Dartmoor Victoria, 3304
The first church building was constructed in 1864. The present building was erected in 1885 on private land. It is now in private hands.
East Ivanhoe, VIC - St George's Anglican
Year Built: 1929
Address: Warncliffe Road, , East Ivanhoe Victoria, 3079
East Ivanhoe Anglican convened a meeting on 12 December 1929 in the home of Mr A Judd in Warnclifffe Road to form a committee to arrange for church services and Sunday school classes to be held in the new area. Land owned by Mt Bainbridge in Warncliffe Road was available for a church site and an assurance was given that, if the Diocese…
Eden, NSW - St George Uniting
Year Built: 1866
Address: Chandos Street, , Eden New South Wales, 2551
The Foundation stone was laid on 24th May, 1865 and the Church was opened for services on 24th May 1866. It was the first church built after the Union of the Presbyterian Churches in NSW in 1865. The building was first cement rendered in 1931 due to crumbling of the original brickwork and the original roof replaced in 1961. In 2007,…
Gawler, SA - St George's Anglican
Year Built: 1858
Address: Orleana Square, , Gawler South Australia, 5118
The Church was built where Colonel Light had planned. The first part of the church (the nave) was built in 1858-64. In 1885 the transept and chancel were added and the tower was finally erected in 1908, with the bells being installed in 1921. One of the largest parish churches in South Australia constructed of roughly coursed bluestone…
Geelong, VIC - St George's Presbyterian
Year Built: 1861
Address: Corner La Trobe Tce & Ryrie Streets, , Geelong Victoria, 3220
St George's Presbyterian Church was formed in 1861 by a breakaway group from the St Andrew's Presbyterian Church in Yarra Street. The large and finely constructed Church reflects the wealth of many of the Church's foundation patrons, which included Francis Ormond and other western district squatters. The Church is a significant and intact…
Gerringong, NSW - St George's Anglican
Year Built: 1874
Address: 103 Fern Street, , Gerringong New South Wales, 2534
The first Church built by George and Henry Gray in 1855, occupied the site where the present building now stands, and was constructed of timber slabs. The cost of the building was £200, secured by voluntary contributions, and it accommodated 200 worshippers. Divine Service appears to have been conducted there from September 30, 1855,…
Goodwood, SA - St George the Martyr Anglican
Address: 153 Goodwood Street, , Goodwood South Australia, 5034
The foundation stone of the first church was laid on October 8, 1881 on land on the corner of Goodwood Road and Victoria Street given by a Mr Mills. The church opened for worship on January 12, 1882. The current Church was built in 1903. The Architect was Thomas Henry Lyon who designed the Church as a memorial to his late sister.…
Hurstville, NSW - St George's Anglican
Address: 2 The Avenue, , Hurstville New South Wales, 2220
The parish of St Georges Hurstville was originally part of the historic parish of St Peter's Cooks River back in the year 1856. The ceremony of laying the foundation stone was performed by the Primate of Australia and the Archbishop of Sydney the Most Reverend Dr Barry DD on 6 April 1889. The old church was demolished in 1888 and a new…
Koo Wee Rup, VIC - St George's Anglican
Year Built: 1917
Address: 273 Rossiter Road, , Koo Wee Rup Victoria, 3981
The first Anglican service was held on October 7, 1897. The foundation stone of St George’s was laid by the Bishop of Gippsland, Arthur Wellesley, and it was dedicated on December 7 1917. St George’s Church was designed by Louis Williams of North and Williams. The Foundation stone reads, "To the Glory of God this stone was laid by…
Magill, SA - St George's Anglican
Address: 43 St Bernards Road, , Magill South Australia, 5072
The land on which the Church was built was given by John Finlay Duff, Captain of the Barque Africaine. The Church has the distinction of being the first Anglican Church consecrated in the colony of South Australia. It was performed by Bishop Augustus Short on 30 January 1848, within weeks of his arrival in South Australia. The…
Malvern, VIC - St George's Anglican
Year Built: 1857
Address: 296 Glenferrie Road, , Malvern Victoria, 3144
In 1857 the local committee representing the Church of England acquired an acre of land in Glenferrie Road (the northern half of this site is occupied by the parish hall), and built a school room, which in 1858 was licensed for Church services. The priest in charge was the Reverend Henry Liddiard, who also had charge of the district of…
Meadows, SA - St George's Anglican
Year Built: 1869
Address: 58 Mawson Road, , Meadows South Australia, 5201
Anglican church services were initially held at Meadows by C. G. Taplin of Macclesfield, in the schoolroom. In May 1869 there was 'talk of putting up a church' and on 25 September 1869 the Bishop of Adelaide, Augustus Short, laid the foundation stone of the church. The Trustees were Messrs Vickery, Dash wood, Connor, Stone, Jones and…
Mount Tamborine, QLD - St George's Anglican
Year Built: 1992
Address: 2 Dapsang Drive, , Mount Tamborine Queensland, 4272
Services have been held on Tamborine Mountain since 1900 and the original St. George’s church was a community hall, relocated and rebuilt on the present site in 1938. A Foundation stone reads, "This Church of St George Tamborine Mountain was erected through the benefaction of Miss Jean Evelyn Dunlop and consecrated to the Glory of God…
Mount Torrens, SA - St George's Anglican
Year Built: 1859
Address: 3 Tuck Street, , Mount Torrens South Australia, 5244
The Anglicans first met in the Mount Torrens area during the 1850s, and after the land for a church was donated in 1858, they set about constructing one. The foundation stone was laid by Bishop Short on 17 December 1859, and the building was opened late in the following year. The cemetery was established during the 1860s, with the oldest…
Nhill, VIC - St George's Anglican
Address: Corner McPherson & Clarence Streets, , Nhill Victoria, 3418
Nowa Nowa, VIC - St George's Anglican
Year Built: 1950
The Anglican Ministry commenced in 1930 with fortnightly services conducted by Mr Charles Partridge. Mr Partridge walked 20 miles from Buchan. Services were suspended between 1939 and 1944. The Church was built in 1950 and dedicated on 10 March 1951.
Numurkah, VIC - St George's Anglican
Year Built: 1960
Address: Brenton Street, , Numurkah Victoria, 3636
The earliest Church of England services were held in the dining room of the original Numurkah Hotel, a weatherboard building which occupied the whole of the site, where stands today the present Numurkah Hotel and the old State Savings Bank occupied by Maurice McNamara & Co. In the early 1880's services were held in the State School…
Old Beach, TAS - St George's Anglican
Address: 237 Briggs Road, , Old Beach Tasmania, 7017
One acre of land as a site for the church was given by J. F. Gage. This land had been part of 407 acres 2 roods formerly owned by his father, John Ogle Gage, and known as "Gagebrook". J. F. Gage had bought it at public auction for £ 1854.2.6 after the death of his father who had lived at Old Beach since 1824. The conveyance of the land,…
Paddington, NSW - St George's Anglican
Year Built: 1897
Address: 245 Glenmore Road, , Paddington New South Wales, 2021
The church was completed in 1897 by which time a wooden church hall, separate from the church, had been erected on the site of the present rectory. In 1977 the church building was divided, with the northern half forming the church, and the other half the church hall, now known as the Eve Cohen Hall. Two old wooden church halls were…
Parattah, TAS - St George's Anglican (Former)
Address: 669 Tunnack Road, , Parattah Tasmania, 7120
The Foundation stone was laid in February 1903. The Church was sold in 2004 and is now a private dwelling.
Pearce, ACT - St Georges Anglican
Address: 67 Pethebridge Street, , Pearce Australian Capital Territory, 2607
Perth, WA - St George's Cathedral Anglican
Address: 38 St George's Terrace, , Perth Western Australia, 6000
In 1841, on January first, Governor John Hutt laid the Foundation Stone of the first Church of St George. About 600 people were present when the church was opened on 22 January 1845. This building stood adjacent to the City of Perth library. The old church faced north and south and stretched from approximately the west end of the present…
Port Pirie, SA - St George Greek Orthodox
Constructed of brick and coursed stonework with bell tower structure to front facade. Arched windows. Cross at finial to gable end. A Foundation stone reads, " This Church of St George was consecrated on Sunday July 17th 1960 by His Grace Archbishop Ezekiel".
Queenscliff, VIC - St George the Martyr Anglican
Year Built: 1863
Address: 22 Hobson Street, , Queenscliff Victoria,
In 1858 Wesleyan ministers visited the town and services were held at Pilot Reid's home. and also at Mr Simpkin Snr's home. The congregation soon became too large to meet in private homes, and so the Queenscliff Reading Room was rented for services. The Rev. Francis Tuckfield arranged to build a wooden church measuring 18 feet by 30 feet,…
Red Hill, VIC - St Georges Anglican
Year Built: 1979
Address: 201 Arthurs Seat Road, , Red Hill Victoria, 3937
In March 1948 the first recorded Anglican service took place when the priest from the Parish of Flinders celebrated Holy Communion in the Mechanic's Hall, Red Hill. St. George's was adopted as the name for the future church. The current church was dedicated by the Regional Bishop on Dedication Day in 1979.
Reservoir, VIC - St George's Anglican
Year Built: 1964
Address: Corner of Ralph & Byfield Streets, , Reservoir Victoria, 3073
The Foundation stone was laid by his Grace the Archbishop of Melbourne the Most Reverend Frank Woods M.A. D.D. on 14 November 1964.