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State: South Australia, Denomination: Anglican
Eudunda, SA - Church of St Hilda Anglican
Year Built: 1883
Address: Ward Street, , Eudunda South Australia, 5374
The Foundation stone was laid on 11 December 1883 and the church is the oldest stand church in Eudunda. The church was dedicated as St Trinitatis Lutheran Church in 1884. It was sold to the Church of England in 1888 and dedicated in 1889. The Vestry dates fr0m 1885.
Gawler, SA - St George's Anglican
Year Built: 1858
Address: Orleana Square, , Gawler South Australia, 5118
The Church was built where Colonel Light had planned. The first part of the church (the nave) was built in 1858-64. In 1885 the transept and chancel were added and the tower was finally erected in 1908, with the bells being installed in 1921. One of the largest parish churches in South Australia constructed of roughly coursed bluestone…
Gladstone, SA - St Alban's Anglican
Address: Sixth Street, , Gladstone South Australia, 5473
Construction of St Alban’s Anglican Church was initiated at a meeting of eight local residents on February 18, 1876. In 1890 a chancel, transepts and Sanctuary were constructed to the design of William K Mallyon, a prominent local amateur architect who designed a considerable number of churches in the region. In 1894 Mallyon also designed…
Glen Osmond, SA - St Saviour's Anglican
Year Built: 1966
Address: 596 Portrush Road, , Glen Osmond South Australia, 5064
A Heritage plaque on the former church reads, " The former church of Saint Saviour was dedicated on this site in 1862. The funds for its construction were raised by a committee that included prominent residents such as Osmond Gilles and Arthur Hardy. The church has since been rebuilt and the bluestone rectory located behind the hall,…
Glenelg South, SA - St Martin's Anglican
Address: 45 Hastings Street, , Glenelg South South Australia, 5045
Formerly known as Sells Memorial Church a Foundation stone reads, " This stone was laid by Mrs Alfred Bonnin 21st April 1888".
Glenelg, SA - St Peter's Anglican
Year Built: 1961
Address: 1 Torrens Square, , Glenelg South Australia, 5045
The first church was built in 1852, designed by Edmund Wright and built by Henry Moseley. In 1881 it was announced that the old church was to be demolished. The replacement, again to the design of Wright, was to be built in sections commencing with nave and chancel. The western porch (1924) is the last structural addition. Squared…
Goodwood, SA - St George the Martyr Anglican
Address: 153 Goodwood Street, , Goodwood South Australia, 5034
The foundation stone of the first church was laid on October 8, 1881 on land on the corner of Goodwood Road and Victoria Street given by a Mr Mills. The church opened for worship on January 12, 1882. The current Church was built in 1903. The Architect was Thomas Henry Lyon who designed the Church as a memorial to his late sister.…
Goolwa, SA - Holy Evangelist Anglican
Year Built: 1867
Address: Cadell Street, , Goolwa South Australia, 5214
In August 1865, the Anglican residents of Goolwa resolved to make every effort to erect a church in Goolwa. A building committee was appointed, consisting of Dr. T. Taylor, Messrs B. Sunman, T. Goode (merchant), Alan Doke, Newell, B. Varcoe E. Dutton, Smyth, W. Ray, Baldock, Joseph Field (butcher), Laffin, Shettliffe (later Shetliff),…
Goyder, SA - St Mary of Bethany Anglican (Former)
Year Built: 1897
Address: Lochiel Nantawarra Road, , Goyder South Australia, 5461
The Church was built in 1897 to the design of William K. Mallyon, a Church lay man at Port Pirie and a self taught architect.
Grange, SA - St Agnes Anglican
Year Built: 1885
Address: 200 Military Road, , Grange South Australia, 5022
A Foundation stone reads, " To the Greater Glory of God this stone was laid by the Bishop on August 1 1885. A further Foundation stone reads, " A.M.D.G. This stone was laid by The Very Reverend Dean Young to mark the Jubilee of this Church 15 September 1935". Built of random coursed stone and rendered building with rendered mouldings…
Hawthorn, SA - St Columba's Anglican
Year Built: 1898
Address: 101 Cross Road, , Hawthorn South Australia, 5062
The Foundation stone was laid on 13 May 1898.
Henley Beach, SA - St Michael and All Angels Anglican
Year Built: 1922
Address: Corner Military Road & South Street, , Henley Beach South Australia, 5022
The Foundation stone was laid on 11 February 1922 by John Barker Esq.
Iron Knob, SA - St Peters Anglican (Former)
Address: 129 Earle Street, , Iron Knob South Australia, 5611
The Uniting Congregation also used the church at the time it was open.
Jamestown, SA - St James the Great Anglican
Year Built: 1880
Address: 76 Irvine Street, , Jamestown South Australia, 5491
A Mr Techritz offered to draw the plans for a church for Two Guineas and tenders for the building of a church 30 feet x 15 feet were to be called. By May 1875 a Mrs Riddell was busily collecting funds a harmonium and no doubt the committee felt confident that this would soon be housed in a fine church. As an early newspaper remarked these…
Kadina, SA - Christ Church Anglican
Year Built: 1910
Address: 26 Hay Street, , Kadina South Australia, 5554
The Foundation stone was laid on 18 November 1910 by Lord Bishop of Adelaide Arthur Nutter.
Kalangadoo, SA - St Alban's Anglican
Year Built: 1961
Address: 22 Ann Street, , Kalangadoo South Australia, 5278
A Foundation stone reads, " A.M.D.G. This stone was laid by Mr & Mrs G.L. Dean on 24th September 1961". A wall plaque inside the church reads, " A.M.D.G. The Church of St Alban Kalangadoo was dedicated by The Right Revd T.T. Reed D.Litt Bishop of Adelaide on 4th February 1962. Architect J Nuttall Jones Priest in Charge The Revd G.A.…
Kapunda, SA - Christ Church Anglican
Year Built: 1856
Address: Crase Street, , Kapunda South Australia, 5373
The foundation stone was laid 28 April 1856 by Dr Blood. The interior of the church is restful and dignified. Small sanctuary and large chancel flanked by organ and choir stools to form the transept. The nave piers go hard up against the wall on each side. The roof is a scissor beam which is exposed and very pleasant. Enlarged 1868,…
Keith, SA - St Catherine of Alexandra Anglican
Address: Memorial Avenue, , Keith South Australia, 5267
Kensington Gardens, SA - Anglican
Address: 17 East Terrace, , Kensington Gardens South Australia, 5068
Kimba, SA - Church of St John the Baptist Anglican
Address: 39 West Street, , Kimba South Australia, 5641
The building was a former Freemasons building. A Foundation stone reads, " This stone was laid by Wpl. Bro R.F. Mayfield PGD 3rd Dec 1960". A wall plaque reads, " Consecrated as a Church building 3rd March 1991". A further wall plaque reads, " To the Glory of God This Church was consecrate in honour of St John the Baptist on Sunday 3rd…
Kingston SE, SA - Holy Trinity Anglican
Address: 59 Agnes Street, , Kingston SE South Australia, 5275
Koolunga, SA - St John's Anglican
Year Built: 1894
Services were first held in the Schoolroom. The old Millhouse was aquired in 1879 and this was used as the Church from that year to 1894. The Church was dedicated 2nd September 1894. The Foundation stone of the Rectory was laid on 7 November 1882 by Miss Rose Maslin of Bundaleer.
Larg's Bay, SA - St Alban's Anglican
Address: 31 Jetty Road, , Larg's Bay South Australia, 5016
Laura, SA - St John the Evangelist Anglican (Former)
Year Built: 1875
Address: 4 North Terrace, , Laura South Australia, 5480
The town of Laura was surveyed in 1871 and in August 1873, the church acquired Blocks 1 and 3 at £17 Ten Shillings each; portion of Block I is still retained, thereon being erected the Church of St. John and the Parish Hall. The first known church of England service in Laura was conducted by the Rev. Hartley Williams, a missionary from…
Lobethal, SA - Prince of Peace Anglican (Former)
Year Built: 1876
Address: 92 Main Street, , Lobethal South Australia, 5241
Original built for the Zum Kripplein Christi Lutheran in 1876. It was sold to Church of England in 1919.
Loxton, SA - Church of the Resurrection Anglican
Address: 11 Edward Street, , Loxton South Australia, 5333
A Foundation stone reads, " To the Glory of God this stone was laid by The Venerable Archdeacon Bussell April 17th 1920".
Lucindale, SA - St Andrew's Anglican
Year Built: 1963
Address: Wattle Drive, , Lucindale South Australia, 5272
A Foundation stone reads, "To the glory of God, this stone was laid by Mrs R.J. Legoe 28 July 1963."
Lyndoch, SA - Holy Trinity Anglican
Year Built: 1861
Address: Corner Altona Road & Barossa Valley Way, , Lyndoch South Australia, 5351
Land for this church was set aside as a gift from the South Australian Company which completed the survey of the Lyndoch Valley in 1839. One acre of land was donated to the Church of England for a church and cemetery, but before the building was finished the area was flooded and another site had to be found. Another grant of land in…
Magill, SA - St George's Anglican
Address: 43 St Bernards Road, , Magill South Australia, 5072
The land on which the Church was built was given by John Finlay Duff, Captain of the Barque Africaine. The Church has the distinction of being the first Anglican Church consecrated in the colony of South Australia. It was performed by Bishop Augustus Short on 30 January 1848, within weeks of his arrival in South Australia. The…
Maitland, SA - St John the Evangelist Anglican
Year Built: 1873
Address: Caroline Street, , Maitland South Australia, 5573
From 1873 church services were held at Ynoo at the Government well, in local homes and huts. The following year saw the church foundation stone laid on 8 December by Mrs S Rogers. The Church was opened on 4 April 1875 on land given by Samuel Rogers. The interior dimensions were to be 20 feet by 82 feet in the clear, walls 14 feet high,…
Mallala, SA - St Peter's Anglican
Address: 25 Areodrome Road, , Mallala South Australia, 5502
The small limestone and brick church was dedicated on September 11th 1884 by Bishop Kennion. The first service was baptismal and the original font, along with coloured glass and other interior fittings remain in good original condition.
Mannum, SA - St Andrew's Anglican
Year Built: 1910
Address: Adelaide Road, , Mannum South Australia, 5238
The Foundation stone was laid on 25 May 1910 by the Venerable Archdeacon Bussell.
Manoora, SA - Emanuel Anglican
Address: 3 Weymouth Street, , Manoora South Australia, 5414
The Church was opened in 1863 by the venerable Archdeacon Woodcock. An article in the Kapunda Herald Fri 24 Feb 1905 reads in part, " Substantial alterations, embracing extension of building. by construction of chancel. 11 foot by 13 feet, of punch stone, and now ceiling to main portion of edifice, are in the course of 'completion. A…
Marden, SA - St Aiden's Anglican
Year Built: 1897
Address: Cnr O.G. Road & Payneham Road, , Marden South Australia, 5070
St Aiden's is significant as a rare example of High Victorian Gothic utilising polychromatic brickwork rarely used in South Australia, although much more common in Victoria. The internal and external brick polychromy and the form of wide nave with inside aisles is typical of this style. The Church was constructed in two stages, the…
Marryatville, SA - St Matthew's Anglican
Year Built: 1848
Address: 146 Kensignton Road, , Marryatville South Australia, 5068
The land for the church was donated in 1848 by the South Australia Company, who received it from George Brunskill. The church was consecrated on 21 September 1849. A wall plaque reads, " A.M.D.G. This plaque was unveiled by His Excellency Sir Eric Neil AC CVO Governor of South Australia on March 28th 1999 to commemorate the 150th…
McLaren Vale, SA - St Margaret's Anglican
Year Built: 1905
Address: Main Road, , McLaren Vale South Australia, 5171
The land was donated by Thomas Hardy in 1905 formerly vineyards owned by William Hobcroft. The Foundation stone was laid on 19 June 1911by Thomas Hardy and the Church was dedicated on 21 November 1911. The Nave built of clay and limestone was added in 1968 to the memory of A.C. and E.H. Johnston.
Melrose, SA - Holy Trinity Anglican
Address: 17 Brewery Street, , Melrose South Australia, 5483
The foundation stone of the first Holy Trinity Church was laid on 27th August, 1864 and regular services were conducted from 1866. A Foundation stone reads, " Holy Trinity Church This stone was laid by Mr E.N. Twopenny on March 13th 1955 in the presence of The Bishop of Willochra Rt Rev, R Thomas".
Meningie, SA - St John the Evangelist Anglican
Year Built: 1953
Address: Princes Highway, , Meningie South Australia, 5264
The Church was built in memory of Margaret H. Bowman (1953).
Mile End, SA - St Jame's Anglican
Year Built: 1884
Address: 1B Falcon Avenue, , Mile End South Australia, 5031
The Church was opened by Bishop Kennion on 1 February 1884. Many years before Mr Justice Gwynne had given an acre of land in the village of Cowandilla for church purposes. This was sold for £150 and an allotment bought in a more central position in the Thebarton area. This is the present site of the church. Due to the energeic work of…
Millicent, SA - St Michael & All Angels Anglican
Year Built: 1879
Address: 66 George Street, , Millicent South Australia, 5280
A Foundation stone reads, " Foundation stone laid by Mrs George Glen 8 Oct 1879". A further Foundation stone reads, " A.M.D.G. This stone laid by Mrs S.M. Fensom 1935".
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