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State: Victoria, Denomination: Roman Catholic

Clifton Hill, VIC - Croatian Catholic

Clifton Hill, VIC - Croatian Catholic

Year Built: 1886

Address: Corner Hodgkinson & Wellington Streets, , Clifton Hill Victoria, 3068

The foundation stone of this former Wesleyan Church, was laid on 13 December 1886. The parsonage in Hodgkinson Street was built in 1881. Due to low attendances, the Wesleyan Church closed down in October 1961.

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Clifton Hill, VIC - St John the Baptist Catholic

Clifton Hill, VIC - St John the Baptist Catholic

Year Built: 1876

Address: 61 Queens Parade, , Clifton Hill Victoria, 3068

Construction commenced in 1876 and by July the walls were being erected. The Foundation stone was laid in 1876. The Architect was J.B. Denny. The spire was added in 1907.

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Clunes, VIC - St Thomas Aquinas Catholic (Former)

Clunes, VIC - St Thomas Aquinas Catholic (Former)

Year Built: 1872

Address: 90 Bailey Street, , Clunes Victoria, 3370

The first Church was erected in 1858. The second Church was opened Sunday July 1st 1866. The Church was made of wood and was 58 foot long by 20 foot wide with the walls rising 12 feet. The third church was constructed in bluestone and was designed by Henry R. Caselli and W. B. Tappin and was built between 1872 and 1873. It's based on…

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Cobden, VIC - St Brendan's Catholic

Cobden, VIC - St Brendan's Catholic

Address: Curdie Street, , Cobden Victoria, 3266

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Cobram, VIC - St Joseph's Catholic

Cobram, VIC - St Joseph's Catholic

Address: 4 William Street, , Cobram Victoria, 3644

Cobram and Katamatite were part of Yarrawonga Parish. From 1910 - 1922 Cobram was part of Numurkah Parish, the first Church being built in 1911. Ten years later, in 1921, the convent and school were built and in 1922 the Sisters of Mercy arrived from Bendigo to open the school. A Foundation stone on the old church reads, " St Josephs…

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Coburg, VIC - St Alban's & Augustines Merri bek Catholic

Coburg, VIC - St Alban's & Augustines Merri bek Catholic

Year Built: 1957

Address: 250 Reynard Street, , Coburg Victoria, 3058

A Foundation stone reads, " This stone was laid by the Most Reverend J.J. Booth CMG MC DD 31st March 1957 The Reverend F.H. Morton Th Schol VICAR Wystan Widdows Architect John Newbold Builder".

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Coburg, VIC - St Margaret Mary's Catholic

Coburg, VIC - St Margaret Mary's Catholic

Year Built: 1920

Address: Mitchell Street, , Coburg Victoria, 3058

The Foundation stone was laid on 14 March 1920 by the Archbishop of Melbourne the Most Reverend Daniel Mannix.

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Coburg, VIIC - St Paul's Catholic

Coburg, VIIC - St Paul's Catholic

Address: 562 Sydney Road, , Coburg Victoria, 3058

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Cohuna, VIC - St Mary's Catholic

Cohuna, VIC - St Mary's Catholic

Year Built: 1953

Address: Mead Street, , Cohuna Victoria, 3568

A Foundation stone reads, " This Foundation stone was laid and blessed by Most Rev B.D. Stewart DD BA LLD Bishop of Sandhurst on 29th November 1953 Rev J.F. Egan Pastor T.A. Power Architect W.A. O'Donnell Builder". A plaque reads, " The Church of Immaculate Conception was erected in 1904. Architect was Mr A. Bode and contractor was Mr…

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Colac, VIC - St Mary's Catholic

Colac, VIC - St Mary's Catholic

Year Built: 1980

Address: Corner Calvert & Gellibrand Streets, , Colac Victoria, 3250

On February 7 1850 Reverend Nicholas Coffey applied for two acres of land in Colac for the purposes of a Church, Scholl and a clergy residence. By March of the same year approval had been given by the Colonial Secretaries office in Sydney. The population in the Colac region in 1851 was 1,199 residents. 1980. Architect was Brian Dowling.*

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Coleraine, VIC - St Joseph's Catholic

Coleraine, VIC - St Joseph's Catholic

Year Built: 1889

Address: 41 Mckebery Street, , Coleraine Victoria, 3315

A Foundation stone reads, "A M D G This stone was blessed and laid by The Most Rev D Foley D.D. Bishop of Ballarat Sunday May 2nd 1937 to commemorate the opening of this church on July 7th 1889 and the silver jubilee of the Rev M J Conlon PP".

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Corryong, VIC Sacred Heart Catholic

Corryong, VIC Sacred Heart Catholic

Year Built: 1955

A Foundation stone reads, " A.M.D.G. Sacred Heart Church was solemnly blessed and opened by Most Rev Bernard Stewart DD LLB Bishop of Sandhurst December 4th 1955. Rev G.L. Sait Parish Priest Alan G. Robertson & Associated Architects".

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Cowes, VIC - St Mary's Catholic

Cowes, VIC - St Mary's Catholic

Address: 6 Cowes - Rhyll Road, , Cowes Victoria, 3922

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Cowwarr, VIC - St Brigid's Catholic

Cowwarr, VIC - St Brigid's Catholic

Address: 13 Church Street, , Cowwarr Victoria, 3857

The Church was established in 1870.

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Cressy, VIC - St Joseph's Memorial Catholic

Cressy, VIC - St Joseph's Memorial Catholic

Year Built: 1966

Address: Cressy Road, , Cressy Victoria, 3322

A Foundation stone reads, " A.M.D.G. This Church was blessed and opened by Most Reverend J.P. O'Collins D.D. Bishop of Ballarat on 13th November 1966 Rev P. O'Keffe M.B.E. Parish Priest. Architects P.J. O'Connor & Brophy. Builders M.J. McMahon & Sons".

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Creswick, VIC - St Augustine's Catholic

Creswick, VIC - St Augustine's Catholic

Year Built: 1872

Address: 117 Napier Street, , Creswick Victoria, 3363

Creswick Catholics were served first by priests who came form Ballarat when Ballarat itself was still part of Coburg parish. The first traceable ref isa newspaper note in 1855 was that Father Patrick Madden celebrated Mass at Creswick Creek on March 8, in the new store of Messrs. Carter and Walker. Father assisting Fr. Smyth. The latter…

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Croydon, VIC - Sacred Heart Catholic

Croydon, VIC - Sacred Heart Catholic

Year Built: 1939

Address: 35 Wicklow Avenue, , Croydon Victoria, 3136

The Sacred Heart Croydon Monastery was officially opened on Monastery Hill by Archbishop Mannix in April 1939 - a new seminary for the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart. The complex featured a chapel, library, cloisters, classrooms, refectory, kitchens and domestic offices. From its very origins, Monastery Hill has been a place where the…

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Culgoa, VIC - Sacred Heart Catholic

Culgoa, VIC - Sacred Heart Catholic

Year Built: 1926

Address: 2 Ultima Road, , Culgoa Victoria, 3530

A Foundation stone reads, " This stone was laid by The Right Rev D. Foley D.D. Bishop of Ballarat on September 8th 1926 Rev W. Davis P.P.".

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Dandenong North, VIC - Parish of St Gerard Majella Catholic

Dandenong North, VIC - Parish of St Gerard Majella Catholic

Address: 71 Gladstone Road, , Dandenong North Victoria, 3175

The Blessing of the site for the new Church took place on Sunday 20th October 1968 by Bishop Moran D.D. The church was built of modular steel and is dominated by a 50 ft. steeple. It was built by Kurth Bros. Pty. Ltd. of Mentone, and accommodates a congregation of 750.

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Dandenong, VIC - St Mary's Catholic

Dandenong, VIC - St Mary's Catholic

Address: 160 Foster Street, , Dandenong Victoria, 3175

The present site was obtained in 1855 and the First Mass was said there in December 1864 by the same Archbishop in a tent. The next day, he laid the first stone for the first St. Mary’s Church, which was completed in 1866.

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Dartmoor, VIC - St Patrick's Catholic (Former)

Dartmoor, VIC - St Patrick's Catholic (Former)

Address: 23 Lindsay Road, , Dartmoor Victoria, 3304

The church was refurbished and opened on April 3rd 1960.

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Daylesford, VIC - St Peter's Catholic

Daylesford, VIC - St Peter's Catholic

Year Built: 1863

Address: 13 Duke Street, , Daylesford Victoria, 3460

A Gothic church designed by Willilam Wardell in 1863 rather in the manner of Charles Hansom, but later degraded by the rebuilding of the west end after the collapse of the west wall and turret, The church is a simple form with a five bay gabled nave containing geometric decorated gothic windows and stepped buttressing. The gable roof…

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Daylston, VIC - Holy Cross Catholic (Former)

Daylston, VIC - Holy Cross Catholic (Former)

Address: 72 Daylston Glen Forbes Road, , Dalyston Victoria, 3992

In 1901, the church was built on land donated by Mr P.J. Daly of 'Cloverdale'. It was opened in February 1902. It is now a Function centre and privately owned. The former Holy Cross Roman Catholic Church and presbytery are an subsantialy intact example of a rural church with simple Gothic revival detailing. The church is also notable for…

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Deepdene, VIC - Our Lady of Good Counsel Catholic

Deepdene, VIC - Our Lady of Good Counsel Catholic

Year Built: 1955

Address: 10 Whitehorse Road, , Deepdene Victoria, 3103

The first building, on the Whitehorse Rd site, which is now part of the school, was used by the parish as both a church and school. The foundation stone of the first church was blessed by Archbishop Mannix on 26 November 1922. The construction of the current church began in the 1950s, when Fr Godwin was the parish priest. It was…

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Derrinallum, VIC - St Joseph's Catholic

Derrinallum, VIC - St Joseph's Catholic

Year Built: 1922

Address: Main Street, , Derrinallum Victoria, 3325

The Church was built to a design of Melbourne architect, Mr Moriarty in 1919. A Foundation stone was laid on 17 December 1922 by most Reverend Dr Foley Bishop of Ballarat.

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Diamond Creek, VIC - Sacred Heart Catholic

Diamond Creek, VIC - Sacred Heart Catholic

Address: Gipson Street, , Diamond Creek Victoria, 3089

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Dingee, VIC - St Dominic's Catholic (Former)

Dingee, VIC - St Dominic's Catholic (Former)

Address: 16 Mack Street, , Dingee Victoria, 3571

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Dingley, VIC - St Mark's Catholic

Dingley, VIC - St Mark's Catholic

Year Built: 1999

Address: 10 Dimar Court, , Dingley Victoria, 3172

A Foundation stone reads, " This Church of St Mark's was blessed ans consecrated to the greater honour and glory of God and the salvation of man on April 25tn 1999 by his Lordship Bishop Denis J. Hart D.D. with the dedication of the parishioners of St Mark's. Fr Anthony P Fox O.F.M. Conv Parish Priest. Fr Joseph Nguyen O.F.M. Conv…

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Donald, VIC - St Mary's Catholic

Donald, VIC - St Mary's Catholic

Year Built: 1907

Address: Corner Wood & Campbell Streets, , Donald Victoria, 3480

A Foundation stone reads, " A.M.D.G. This stone was laid by The Most Rev Joseph Higgins D.D. Bishop of Ballarat 17th February 1907".

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Doncaster East, VIC - St Peter and Paul's Catholic

Doncaster East, VIC - St Peter and Paul's Catholic

Address: 23 Leeds Street, , Doncaster East Victoria, 3109

Fr. Gleeson, the Parish Priest of Box Hill, purchased the present site of St Peter and Paul's in 1948 for 2,500 pounds, adjacent to a large block which had been bought in the post-war years by the government for release as housing sites for returned servicemen.

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Doncaster, VIC - St Gregory the Great Catholic

Doncaster, VIC - St Gregory the Great Catholic

Year Built: 1983

Address: 71 Williamsons Road, , Doncaster Victoria, 3108

The Church was designed by architect Graeme Law and built by John Bergamin. It was dedicated by Archbishop Little on 17 December, 1983. The main structure of the roof is in the form of a cross and the lighting adds emphasis to it. A plaque on the wall reads, "On the Feast of St. Gregory the Great, to celebrate the fiftieth anniversary…

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Dookie, VIC - St Mary's Catholic

Dookie, VIC - St Mary's Catholic

Year Built: 1898

Address: 93 Saddleback Road, , Dookie Victoria, 3646

The Church name was changed to St Mary's around 1890. The current Church was designed by Messrs Kempson and Connolly with a cost of £2,000. Of Gothic style it was to have a length of 72 feet a depth of 25 feet with a depth across the transepts of 51 feet. The brick walls were to have cement dado to a height of 4 feet 6ins running around…

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Dromana, VIC - Our Lady of Perpetual Help Catholic

Dromana, VIC - Our Lady of Perpetual Help Catholic

Year Built: 1993

Address: Foote Street, , Dromana Victoria, 3936

The first church was dedicated to Our Lady of Perpetual Succour and completed at a cost of £1,343 on which a debt of £100 remained. It was opened and blessed by the Very Rev. Dean Phelan on Palm Sunday April 5th 1903. He was assisted by Fr. O'Hagan, then parish priest of Mornington, who gave a brief resume of the efforts of the local…

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Drouin, VIC - St Ita's Catholic

Drouin, VIC - St Ita's Catholic

Year Built: 2007

Address: Victoria Street, , Drouin Victoria, 3818

Church was opened on 16 December 2007 by the Bishop of Sale the Right Rev Jeremiah Coffey D.D. The Architects were Graeme Law and Associates and built by McCorkell Constructions.

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Drysdale, VIC - St Thomas' Catholic

Drysdale, VIC - St Thomas' Catholic

Address: 37 Wyndham Street, , Drysdale Victoria, 3222

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Dunkeld, VIC - St Patrick's Catholic

Dunkeld, VIC - St Patrick's Catholic

Year Built: 1913

Address: 103 Martain Street, , Dunkeld Victoria, 3294

An historical marker reads, "St Patrick's Catholic Church The first small wooden church was built in 1875 on land granted in 1854. This building was opened by Father Fennelly on 7th April 1875 and was later relocated to Glenthompson. A new brick church was built by Hec Patterson to a design by Frank Hammond at a cost of £800 and…

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Dunnstown, VIC - St Brendan's Catholic

Dunnstown, VIC - St Brendan's Catholic

Year Built: 1905

Address: 3 Ti Tree Road, , Dunnstown Victoria, 3352

A Foundation stone reads, " This stone was laid by The Most Revd Joseph Higgins D.D. Bishop of Ballarat Novr 19th 1905 The Revd D.J. Devane Pastor".

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Dunolly, VIC - St Mary's Catholic

Dunolly, VIC - St Mary's Catholic

Year Built: 1871

Address: 1 Hardy Street, , Dunolly Victoria, 3472

A stone church erected to the designs, it is believed, of architect R. A. Dowden between 1869-71. Constructed of local granite, the slate roofed church has a tower with broached spire containing the main entrance and a gabled porch. The present spire, replaced the original metal-clad broach spire in 1980.

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Eaglehawk, VIC - St Liborius Catholic

Eaglehawk, VIC - St Liborius Catholic

Year Built: 1869

Address: 50 Panton Street, , Eaglehawk Victoria, 3556

On January 31st 1869 The right Reverend Dr Goold, Catholic Bishop of Melbourne with Dr Backhaus and Rev. Dean Fitzgerald, opened the new Roman Catholic Church at Eaglehawk, named St Liborius.

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East Bentleigh, VIC - St Peter's Catholic

East Bentleigh, VIC - St Peter's Catholic

Year Built: 1973

Address: 844 Centre Road, , East Bentleigh Victoria, 3165

The present parish of St. Peter's was originally part of Brighton Parish (Est. 1853) and later included in St. Paul's, Bentleigh Parish (Est. 1928). The first Church building in this area was a small wooden school house and hall erected in February, 1865 on Centre Road, opposite the present Moorabbin Hospital. A brick school building…

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