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State: Victoria, Denomination: Uniting
Lang Lang, VIC - Finlay McQueen Memorial Uniting
Year Built: 1936
Address: 63 Westerport Road, , Lang Lang Victoria, 3984
An article in the Argus Newspaper Tue 21 Jan 1936 reads, " The foundation stone of the new Lang Lang Presbyterian church was laid yesterday in the presence of more than 400 people. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. H Burns, a former Moderator of the Presbyterian Church of Victoria and the stone was dedicated to the memory of the late…
Lara, VIC - Uniting
Address: 59 Flinders Avenue, , Lara Victoria, 3212
The Duck Ponds Creek community was renamed Lara in 1874. About that time, it was mm The to build a Primitive Methodist church closer to the Lara community. A stone church was erected on the site now occupied by the Lara Lake Primary school. Then, in 1891, two years before his death, John Spalding purchased the 'Sons of Temperance' Hall…
Leitchville, VIC - Uniting (Former)
Address: 43 King Albert Avenue, , Leitchville Victoria, 3567
The Church was sold in 2020.
Leongatha, VIC - St Andrew's Uniting
Address: 16 Peart Street, , Leongatha Victoria, 3953
The original Church was designed and constructed by Neil Falconer in 1901. The former Leongatha Presbyterian Church at 16 Peart Street, Leongatha (now located behind a postwar brick church) is a characteristic Victorian Carpenter Gothic church, although slightly larger than many of the remnant early churches of the region. It has a…
Leopold, VIC - Uniting
Year Built: 1860
Address: Corner Queenscliff & Ash Roads, , Leopold Victoria, 3224
Formerly a Primitive Methodist church. The first church was opened in 1860.
Lethbridge, VIC - Uniting
Address: 167 Ackland Road, , Lethbridge Victoria, 3332
On the 2 February 1864 the United Presbyterian Church opened, with services conducted by the Rev. John S. Moir. The building could seat 100 people and had cost 80 pounds. It opened almost debt free. A second church was constructed in 1868-69 on the Midland Highway. On the 8th April 1959 the church was moved to its current location in…
Lilydale, VIC - Uniting
Year Built: 1882
Address: Corner George & Anderson Streets, , Lilydale Victoria, 3140
Formerly a Presbyterian Church the Foundation stone was laid on 22 December 1882 by the Honarable J Balflour M.L.C.assisted by Rev, Peter Mercer Moderator of the General Assembly. The Church was opened and dedicated one year later on 9 December 1883.* Mr T.J. Crouch of Melbourne was the architect and the style is Later Gothic. Messrs…
Little Hampton, VIC - Uniting (Former)
Address: 110 Glenlyon Littel Hampton Road, , Little Hampton Victoria, 3459
Little River, VIC - Uniting (Former)
Address: 4 Boadles Lane, , Little River Victoria, 3211
The first Methodist services held at Little River were conducted by a Primitive Methodist Churchman from Geelong. A former Methodist Church dating from 1869 with gable roofed bluestone building with flat arched windows. The porch is later as is the rendered, half timbered gable detail. The Church was put up for sale in 2023.
Loch, VIC - Uniting
Year Built: 1963
Address: Roy Street, , Loch Victoria, 3945
The Church was constructed of brick church designed by J Hipwell and constructed in 1963 at a cost of £12,000, and the Church Hall, constructed in 1903.
Lorne, VIC - St Cuthbert's Uniting
Year Built: 1892
Address: Mountjoy Street, , Lorne Victoria, 3232
Originally a Presbyterian Church. The original piece of land the church was built on was sold to the trustees on 31 January 1890 by the Hon. James Campbell of St Kilda. The sucessful tenderer (to build the new church) appears to be J.W. Dent of South Geelong. The church opened for its first service on 7 February 1892. Additions to…
Macarthur, VIC - Uniting
Year Built: 1874
Address: 5 Eversley Street, , Macarthur Victoria, 3286
The first Presbyterian services were conducted in Mrs Robertson's Store and at Ewing's Hotel. A wooden church was built approx 1863, and was used as a school during the week. James McRoberts, a young Irishman, was the first minister of the Macarthur (Eumeralla) church. He conducted services at Branxholme, Condah, Spring Creek, Hotspur,…
Macarthur, VIC - Uniting (Former)
Year Built: 1885
Address: Cnr High & Eversley Streets, , Macarthur Victoria, 3286
A historical marker reads, " On 20th June 1884 the first Methodist meeting was held. It was attended by Rev Ingamells, Joseph Law, Edgar Dunn, Messrs Glover and Chamberlain, A.J. & McLean, George Betts and S. Taylor, with the first six being the original trustees of the Church, with J. McLean as the first secretary. The foundation…
Maffra, VIC - St Andrew's Uniting
Year Built: 1904
Address: 6 Pearson Street, , Maffra Victoria, 3860
A Foundation stone reads, " Presbyterian Church This stone was laid by Mrs A. Morison 30th March 1904 - HW & FC Tompkins Architect W Sinclair Builder". A further stone reads This Tower's bell has been erected to the memory of the Lair Samuel Lees by his wife Jane Lees who laid this stone on Sept 23 1922".
Maldon, VIC - Uniting
Year Built: 1863
Address: Fountain Street, , Maldon Victoria, 3463
Formerly a Wesleyan Methodist Church. In 1863 the main church was built by the architects Crouch and Wilson.
Malvern East, VIC - Uniting
Year Built: 1956
Address: 54 Serrell Street, , Malvern East Victoria, 3145
The first service was held on 18th April 1926. Several foundation stones have been set and include, 1. " To the Glory of God this stone was laid by Sir Edmund Herring Chief Justice and Lieut Governor of Victoria August 11th 1956, Minister P.M. Roberts, Architect K.P. Reid, Builder W.E.Diedrich". 2. "To the Glory of God this stone was…
Malvern, VIC - Korean Uniting
Year Built: 1904
Address: 23 Glendearg Grove, , Malvern Victoria, 3144
A Memorial stone was laid on 8 October 1904 by the Honable W.H. Edgar MLC. The Architect was B Goodridge. Another stone was laid on the same date by F.J. Cato Esq.
Manangatang, VIC - Uniting
Year Built: 1925
Address: 32 Church Street, , Manangatang Victoria, 3546
In 1925 Rev. Fraser Sutherland took up the inaugural minister's position in this church, then the Presbyterian Church. He described it as... "... a worthy looking building containing good and comfortable furniture... I have special pride that my mother gave the pulpit chair." Presbyterians had held their first services in Manangatang in…
Mansfield, VIC - St Andrew's Uniting
Year Built: 1860
Address: Corner Hunter & Highett Streets, , Mansfield Victoria, 3722
Formerly a Presbyterian Church the church had it beginnings in the mid 1860's. When Rev. John Kennedy McMillan came to Australia from Scotland in 1858, he was called to Beechworth and during his ministry there visited Mansfield for the purpose of establishing a charge in this district. Prior to the erection of the church building…
Marong, VIC - Uniting
Year Built: 1914
Address: Marong Serpantine Road, , Marong Victoria, 3515
The Foundation stone reads, Marong Presbyterian Church To the Glory of God this stone was laid by The Right Reverend JAS Crookston Moderator September 2nd 1914 Rev A.I. Davidson M.A. Minister. John Ride O.E. Architect. The name Marong is thought to have been derived from an Aboriginal word meaning a native or Murray pine tree.
Melbourne, VIC - St Michael's Uniting
Year Built: 1904
Address: 154 Collins Street, , Melbourne Victoria, 3000
Known as the Collins Street Independent Church. A Mr Hopkins laid the foundation stone of the first church in September 1839 and the building was opened for worship on 1 January 1841. Later when this small chapel had already been enlarged during the 1850's it had outgrown the needs of the Colony and plans had to be made to replace it…
Melbourne, VIC - Wesley Uniting
Year Built: 1858
Address: 148 Lonsdale Street, , Melbourne Victoria, 3000
By 1838, there was a Wesleyan society of about 30 people in Melbourne, meeting in a small brick church on the corner of Swanston St & Flinders Lane. They were led by lay preachers, including, George Lilley, Thomas Watson and William Witton. A second brick church was built to replace the first in 1841 on the corner of Collins St & Queen…
Mentone, VIC - Davies Memorial Uniting
Year Built: 1889
Address: 74 Venice Street, , Mentone Victoria, 3194
The church is styled after the Gothic Revival approach by architect Charles Figgis, who also created the Mentone Hotel. Mentone was moved by news of the passing of Mrs Mary Davies in 1887. Mother to nine children, she had been a tireless worker for the community and devoted member of the Presbyterian church. In honour of her name,…
Merbein, VIC - Uniting
Year Built: 1954
Address: 130 Commercial Street, , Meribein Victoria, 3505
A Foundation stone reads, " To the Glory of God and sacred to the memory of our fallen in two World Wars A Love gift from the Methodist people of Merbein laid on Remembrance Day Sunday 7th November 1954". A further Foundation stones read, " This Foundation stone was laid by Mr Stephen Thompson on the 28th June 1922 L Howard Wiltshire…
Meredith, VIC - St Andrews Uniting
Year Built: 1869
Address: 28 Wallace Street, , Meredith Victoria, 3333
Formerly a Presbyterian church with services commencing in the early 1860's. The Church was built in 1869 at a cost of £60. The foundation stone was laid on 3 December 1868 by W. J. Reide Esq. The church was designed by Joseph L. Shaw of Geelong. Reverend John Scott took charge of the parish in 1917 and it was during his ministry that…
Merino, VIC - St Andrew's Uniting (Former)
Address: 38 Levy Street, , Merino Victoria, 3310
Mernda, VIC - Uniting
Year Built: 1888
Address: Schotters Road, , Mernda Victoria, 3754
Formerly a Wesleyan Church built in 1888. In 1856 Mr King of "Fair View" gave an acre of land along West Bridge Inn Road and the first church was erected in timber and stood for 33 years.
Milawa, VIC - St Andrew's Uniting (Former)
Year Built: 1866
Address: 145 Church Lane, , Milawa Victoria, 3678
A stone on the front gate pillar reads, "These gates were erected in memory of Mr & Mrs Colin Gardner Foundation Members of this church by their son Duke Gardner. A stone inserted in the opposite front gate reads "St Andrews Presbyterian Church". The Church was sold in 2015 and is now called Church Lane Accomadation.
Mildura, VIC - St Andrew's Uniting
Year Built: 1914 - 19
Address: 165 Deakin Street, , Mildura Victoria, 3500
In 1909, Presbyterians attending their small weatherboard church on Eleventh Street voted to explore building a new church on adjoining land with a Deakin Avenue frontage. The need for a new church had been recognized in 1906 when a member of the Board of Management John Heron Shilliday made a conditional gift of the land for a new…
Mirboo North, VIC - St Andrew's Uniting
Year Built: 1964
Address: Ridgeway Street, , Mirboo North Victoria, 3871
The Foundation stone was laid on 13 December 1964 by his Lordship Patrick Francis Lyons Bishop of Sale.
Mitcham, VIC Mountview Uniting
Address: 559 Whitehorse Road, , Mitcham Victoria, 3131
A Foundation stone reads, "To the Glory of God and to express our unity in Christ this stone was set on 26 February 1967. The Reverend Neil Brown for the Presbyterian Church , The Reverend Norman Beurle for the Methodist Church. Earle Shaw and Partners Architects H.G. McEwen Builder." The Church was formed on its present site in 1975…
Moonee Ponds, VIC Uniting
Year Built: 1897
Address: 60 Maribynong Road, , Moonee Ponds Victoria, 3039
The original church was Presbyterian. Competitive designs were invited in 1895 for a church to seat 600 people. 38 designs were received and that of Hillson, Beasley and Little was selected. Tenders were called for the erection of the church in September 1896 without the intended tower. The tender of Angel Bros for 3,067 pounds was…
Moorabbin, VIC - Leighmoor Uniting
Address: 183 Wickham Road, , Moorabbin Victoria,
A Foundation stone reads, " This stone was laid to the Glory of God by Rev Norman Elliott B.A. Chairman of District 3 - 12 - 1955. Rev P.H. James Minister". A second Foundation stone reads, " This stone was laid to the Glory of God by Rev H.H. Williams Pres of Conference 9-5-1931 G.F. Yates Trust Secty". On the adjacent hall a…
Mooroolbark, VIC - St Margarets Uniting
Address: 219 Hull Road, , Mooroolbark Victoria, 3138
The Church was originally a Presbyterian church and was opened on September 4 1954. Mr Keith Reid was the Architect. The land was donated by Miss Jane McIlrath.
Mooroopna, VIC - Uniting
Address: Corner Obrien & Alexander Streets, , Mooroopna Victoria, 3629