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State: Victoria
Belgrave South, VIC - Baptist
Address: 144 Belgrave Hallam Road, , Belgrave South Victoria, 3160
No information currently available. Submissions welcomed.
Belgrave, VIC - St Thomas' the More Catholic
Address: 17 Terry Avenue, , Belgrave Victoria, 3160
No information currently available. Submissions welcomed.
Bell Park, VIC - God Ukrainian Catholic
Year Built: 1971
Address: 14 Adler Crescent, , Bell Park Victoria, 3215
A Foundation stone reads, " This Ukrainian Autocephalic Orthodox Church Nativity of the Holy Mother of God erected by the Ukrainian Orthodox. Altar cross was blessed by Bishop Andrew 21.11.1971 AD. The Church was consecrated by his Beatitude Metropolitan Mstyslav 25.6.1978 AD".
Bell Park, VIC - Holy Family Catholic
Address: 147 Separation Street, , Bell Park Victoria, 3215
Bell Park, VIC - Ukrainian Catholic
Year Built: 1966
Address: 21 Adler Crescent, , Bell Park Victoria, 3215
A plaque on the bell tower reads, " Bell Tower Memorial Millennium of Christianity in Ukraine 988 - 1988". A Foundation stone reads, " This Church of the patronage of the mother of God erected by the Ukrainian Catholics to the Glory of God and as a war memorial was consecrated by his Lordship Bishop Ivan Prasko Sunday 16th October 1966…
Bellbrae, VIC - Uniting
Address: 5 School Road, , Bellbrae Victoria, 3228
Formerly a Wesleyan Methodist church.
Belmont, VIC - St Stephen's Anglican
Address: Corner Regent & Thompson Streets, , Belmont Victoria, 3216
In September 1890 the Reverends John Cameron wrote to the Register of the Diocese recommending the purchase of land n the Colac road and indicating the hope that a small successful church of a permanent character could be built as the place increased in population. An Architect's plan for a building estimated to cost £350 was drawn up…
Belmont, VIC - Uniting
Address: Thomson Street, , Belmont Victoria, 3216
The first Methodist Church service in Belmont was held in the home of Mr. Caldwell in the ealy 1880's. By the 3rd of May 1891 first service was held in the new church built in High Street – south of Mt. Pleasant Road. For further history visit the church website here.
Benalla, VIC - Holy Trinity Anglican
Year Built: 1860
Address: 67 Arundel Street, , Benalla Victoria, 3672
The earliest church services for Church of England (Anglicans) in Benalla was recorded in 1849 when Bishop Perry of Melbourne visited the settlement. The service was performed in the original court house. By 1854 an allotment of land at the corner of Bridge, Thomas and Martin Place had been set aside for a church, school and hall.* The…
Benalla, VIC - Lutheran
Year Built: 1987
Address: 154 Waller Street, , Benalla Victoria, 3672
The church was opened and dedicated by Reverend M. V. Jordan President of the Victorian District on 26 April 1987.
Benalla, VIC - Rose City Baptist
Address: 93 Thomas Street, , Benalla Victoria, 3672
The Church was established on the 9th of February 1969.
Benalla, VIC - St Andrew's Presbyterian
Year Built: 1905
Address: Corner Church & Mitchell Streets, , Benalla Victoria, 3672
In the 1840s and early 1850s Presbyterians attended Church of England services in the courthouse in Arundel Street whenever a passing minister was available. Then in 1855 a Church of England minister was appointed to Benalla and services were held more regularly. Rev. McCully oversaw the building of a small, but very impressive…
Benalla, VIC - St Joseph's Catholic
Year Built: 1908
Address: Corner Wedge & Arundel Streets, , Benalla Victoria, 3672
The first St Joseph's was built in 1866. The current Church was completed in 1908 in a Romanesque style at a cost of £9,000. The Foundation stone was laid by his Grace the Most Reverend Dr Carr Archbishop of Melbourne on 21 July 1907 assisted by Bishop Reville and Dean Davey 1907. In 1989 a fire destroyed a large part of the building…
Benalla, VIC - Uniting
Address: Corner Church & Carrier Streets, , Benalla Victoria, 3672
Formerly a Methodist church. The Foundation stone was laid by Reverend John W. Rowse President of the Victorian and Tasmanian Conference on 26 March 1930. The architect was A.S. Eggleston and the builder was R. Mould.
Bendigo, VIC - All Saints' Anglican (Former)
Address: 26 McKenzie Street, , Bendigo Victoria, 3550
Bendigo, VIC - Baptist (Former)
Address: ??, , Bendigo Victoria, 3550
Baptists on the Gold Fields were not numerous, but in 1853 the first meeting was held at White Hills. Mr. and Mrs. John Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. Jones and Miss Jones met for worship in a tent. In 1854 a slab-hut was erected near to the present site of Wilkie Park in White Hills Road. Shortly afterwards a weatherboard building was erected…
Bendigo, VIC - Church of Christ
Address: 35 Short Street, , Bendigo Victoria, 3550
The Church was founded in 1901 initially. The Church first met in TEMPERA in View Street until December 1926. The Building was extended in 1966 with a new Chapel and Foyer added in 1984. A Foundation stone reads, " For the Glory of God & the helping of Man 3rd July 1926".
Bendigo, VIC - Sacred Heart Catholic Cathedral
Address: McKenzie Street, , Bendigo Victoria, 3550
Sacred Heart Cathedral is renowned for being one of the last completed gothic cathedrals of the twentieth century. The cathedral owes its existence to the legendary Rev Dr Henry Backhaus (1811-1882) from Paderborn in Germany, who was the pioneer priest on the Bendigo (Sandhurst) goldfields around 1852. Sacred Heart Cathedral is 75…
Bendigo, VIC - St Andrew's Uniting
Year Built: 1930
Address: 26 Myers Street, , Bendigo Victoria, 3550
A Foundation stone was laid by Mrs William Hunter on 22 March 1930. The Architects of the current Church were G.D. Garvin and C Eathorne. A stuccoed brick church of 1930, which is quite idiosyncratic in detail and gains its distinctive character from the eclectic and not entirely felicitous low relief cement decoration. This Church is…
Bendigo, VIC - St John's Presbyterian
Year Built: 1890
Address: 35 - 41 Forest Street, , Bendigo Victoria, 3550
St. John's Presbyterian Church was opened in 1874 and located in Forest Street near the Barnard Street. By 1885 the Church was destroyed by fire. A new Church building was opened in 1897 on the same site. A Foundation stone was laid in November 1858 by Rev L.D. Bevan. In 1949 plans were prepared for the demolition of the church and…
Bendigo, VIC - St Killian's Catholic
Year Built: 1888
Address: 161 McCrae Steet, , Bendigo Victoria, 3550
The first church was a slab and canvas structure assembled in 1853 by Rev Dr Backhaus. In May 1856, construction of a stone church commenced. Topped by a slate roof, the church was a grand site with its 22 buttresses and four entrances. However, only 30 years later, the building was condemned as the walls were cracking and crumbling.…
Bendigo, VIC - St Paul's Anglican Cathedral
Year Built: 1873
Address: Myer's Street, , Bendigo Victoria, 3550
The cathedral was designed by the architect Robert A. Love. The nave was dedicated in November 1868, the bell tower in 1873 and the chancel and transepts in 1927. Originally a parish church, St Paul's became the diocese's cathedral in 1981. The building is constructed of red brick with stone dressings in an early Gothic style and is…
Bendigo, VIC - Uniting
Address: Forest Street, , Bendigo Victoria, 3550
A Foundation stone on the first Church which is now a Hall reads, " 28th January AD 1891".
Bennettswood, VIC - St Scholastica Catholic
Address: 348 Burwood Highway, , Bennettswood Victoria, 3125
St Scholastica’s Parish was founded in 1962, separated from St Benedict’s with Father George Maltby as its first parish priest.
Bentleigh, VIC - St John's Anglican
Year Built: 1962
Address: Corner Tucker & Centre Roads, , Bentleigh Victoria, 3204
The land for the church's current location was granted by Mr John Matthew Smith. The original church building was beset by poor workmanship and delays. The foundation stone was laid by Mr W.R. Looker J.P. on Monday 11th October 1872. The new Church under the charge of the Rev. William Singleton of Cheltenham, was opened in June by the…
Bentleigh, VIC - St Paul's Catholic
Year Built: 1960
Address: 122 Jasper Road, , Bentleigh Victoria, 3204
A foundation stone reads " This stone symbol of Christ, Chief corner stone of the church was blessed and set by His Grace Archbishop Simonds 13th November 1960, T O'Sullivan P.P. S. J. Morgan and Associates Architect H.P. Yunken Pty Ltd Builder".
Bentleigh, VIC - St Raphael, Nicholas & Irene Greek Orthodox
Year Built: 1928
Address: 531 Centre Road, , Bentleigh Victoria, 3204
The Foundation stone was laid on 23 June 1928.
Bentleigh, VIC - Uniting
Year Built: 1968
Address: 497 Centre Road, , Bentleigh Victoria, 3204
The Foundation stone was laid on 15 March 1968 by H.V. Barnett. The Architect was John Scarborough.
Berrybank, VIC - Uniting
Year Built: 1954
Address: Foxhow Road, , Berrybank Victoria, 3323
The former church was destroyed by fire on 14 January 1944. The Foundation stone of the current church was laid on 21 April 1954 by William M Clark. The Architect was Keith Reid while the builder was A McHolson.
Berwick, VIC - Christ Church Anglican
Year Built: 1995
Address: 55 Peel Street, , Berwick Victoria, 3806
The first Anglican services held in Berwick took place in 1866 on the site of the present Presbyterian Church. A Foundation stone was laid on 5 December 1876. In 1877 a dedicated building was built on the corner of Church and Palmerston Streets. In response to high population growth in the area, in 1995 a much larger church building…
Berwick, VIC - St Andrew's Uniting
Year Built: 1879 - 1888
Address: 105 High Street, , Berwick Victoria, 3806
The first service was held in 1856 in Narre Warren at the residence of Mr Catenach on a fortnightly basis for about a year and then moved to a hut in Berwick owned by a Mr Gardiner. The Church is the oldest church in Berwick, and the congregation was founded amongst Scottish and English settlers in 1857 by Rev Alexander Duff, an Irish…
Berwick, VIC - St Michael's Catholic
Year Built: 1984
Address: 125 High Street, , Berwick Victoria, 3806
The first church, built of weatherboard, was erected in 1870. It was originally part of the Brighton Parish. St. Michael's Parish was established in 1956, having previously been part of the parish of Dandenong. In 1956 it became part of the Diocese of Sale. The current Church was opened on 29 April 1984 and was blessed by the Bishop of…
Bet Bet, VIC - Uniting (Former)
The Church building no longer exists. History and photos encouraged.
Bethanga, VIC - St Francis Catholic (Former)
Year Built: 1886
Address: Bridge Street, , Bethanga Victoria, 3691
The first church was built in 1886. In 1917 Revd Dr Flynn decided the location of the church was not appropriate.The aged, the infirm and ill could not access the Church because of the steepness and parishioners who had to walk to Mass found it almost impossible to attend area became wet and muddy. On the 17th October 1917 the…
Bethunga, VIC - Holy Trinity Anglican
Year Built: 1904
Address: 2 Armstrong Street, , Bethunga Victoria, 3691
Bethunga, VIC - St Francis Catholic (Former)
Year Built: 1918
Address: 6 Bridge Street, , Bethunga Victoria, 3691
The Church was up for sale in 2023.