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Year built: between 1951 and 1960
Dapto, NSW - Uniting
Year Built: 1958
Address: 122 Princes Highway, , Dapto New South Wales, 2530
A Foundation stone reads, " Unveiled to the Glory of God by Mrs Catherine Livingston 20th September 1958".
Darwin City, NT - Darwin Memorial Uniting
Year Built: 1959
Address: 78 Smith Street, , Darwin City Northern Territory, 0800
The Church has been a continuing congregation since 1873. A Methodist congregation was started in co-operation with the Congregational Church. The church was built in Knuckey Street on the corner with Mitchell Street. In 1940, the Presbyterian Church purchased land in Smith Street and, in co-operation with the existing Methodist…
Darwin City, NT - St Nicholas Greek Orthodox
Year Built: 1953
Address: 90 Cavenagh Street, , Darwin City Northern Territory, 0800
On 27th September 1953 the foundation stone of the current Greek Orthodox Church in Darwin, St Nicholas, was laid by His Grace Archbishop Theophylactos Papathanasopoulos. Two years later, the Greek Orthodox Community of Darwin was formally established. Two locals Petros Mihailou, and his son, Michael Mihailou, put many hours of…
Dee Why, NSW - St Kevin's Catholic
Year Built: 1960
Address: 50 Oaks Avenue, , Dee Why New South Wales, 2099
The Parish of St. Kevin was established in 1928 when it was detached from Manly. The current Church was built by Judge and Rock in precast concrete segments. Each precast section, which is 1 in. thick, was stressed together by single wires anchored against the steel pipes at each surface edge to distribute the anchorage forces…
Deepdene, VIC - Our Lady of Good Counsel Catholic
Year Built: 1955
Address: 10 Whitehorse Road, , Deepdene Victoria, 3103
The first building, on the Whitehorse Rd site, which is now part of the school, was used by the parish as both a church and school. The foundation stone of the first church was blessed by Archbishop Mannix on 26 November 1922. The construction of the current church began in the 1950s, when Fr Godwin was the parish priest. It was…
Devonport, TAS - Church of Christ
Year Built: 1952
Address: 113 William Street, , Devonport Tasmania, 7310
In 1872 the church moved from Northdown to Latrobe a town of some importance during this era. Early in 1879 W. Moffit visited New Ground near Moriarty a populous agricultural district. He shared the gospel message and in a short time a gathering of people became Christians and were baptized. A Church of Christ was established in 1880 and…
Devonport, TAS - St Columba Presbyterian
Year Built: 1957
Address: 13 Edward Street, , Devonport Tasmania, 7310
The first Presbyterian church in Devonport briefly used the Congregational Church and then the Devonport Town Hall. Throughout the building of the Church many members of the Board of Management and Session, plus other committees were led by Rev "Bert" Scrimgeour who, with practical knowledge, endeared himself to all who knew him. The…
Dingee, VIC - Uniting
Year Built: 1959
Address: 19 King Street, , Dingee Victoria, 3571
The Church was built in 1959.
Doncaster, VIC - Church of Christ
Year Built: 1956
Address: Doncaster Road, , Doncaster Victoria, 3108
The first service was held in the home of Thomas Porter senr on Sunday August 30 1863. In addition to the meetings at the Porter home, gospel services were held in the Chapel owned by the Baptists who had discontinued meetings. The Church commenced in 1863 and by 1864 a small weatherboard chapel was built on the present site. In 1889 a…
Dookie, VIC - St Andrew's Uniting
Year Built: 1957
Address: Turnley Street, , Dookie Victoria, 3646
A Foundation stone reads, " To the Glory of God this stone was laid by Miss Jean Knox 14th June 1957 - Architect Keith Reid - Builder M.J. Hall".
Double Bay, NSW - St Columba Uniting
Year Built: 1960
Address: 53 Ocean Street, , Double Bay New South Wales, 2028
The foundation stone was laid by Reverend E Pollard B.A. B.D on 28 August 1960. The Church is now closed.
Drouin, VIC - Scot's Presbyterian
Year Built: 1959
Address: 1 Church Street, , Drouin Victoria, 3818
From an unknown date until November 1880, the Presbyterians of Drouin worshipped in the Anglican Church building, then situated at 30 Grant Street. A Presbyterian Charge was established in the district as early as 1876 and that the first service was conducted by Rev. W. L. Morton at the "Lardner Track School" in October of that year.…
East Malvern, VIC - All Saints' Anglican (Former)
Year Built: 1960
Address: Corner Olive & Darling Road, , East Malvern Victoria, 3145
The Foundation stone was laid on 13 February 1960 by the Most Reverend Frank Woods D.D. M.A. The Architect was Louis Williams.
Edenhope, VIC - St Mark's Uniting
Year Built: 1960
Address: Corner Elizabeth & Wallace Streets, , Edenhope Victoria, 3318
The first church was built in 1872 behind the present day church. Todays church was built in the early 1960's and opened in 1962. The foundation stone was laid on 14 October 1962.
Edithvale, VIC - Uniting (Former)
Year Built: 1959
Address: 9 Edithvale Road, , Edithvale Victoria, 3196
A Foundation stone reads, " To the Glory of God this stone was laid by the Rev H.H. Kettle Chairman of the District on March 14th 1959"
Elizabeth Grove, SA - Playford Baptist
Year Built: 1958
Address: 20 Haydown Road, , Elizabeth Grove South Australia, 5112
A Foundation stone reads, " To the Glory of God This stone was laid by C.W. Branson Esq Chairman S.A. Baptist Home Mission Dept 23rd February 1958".
Elizabeth South, SA - Uniting
Year Built: 1955
Address: 114 Harvey Road, , Elizabeth Grove South Australia, 5112
A Foundation stone reads, " To the Glory of God This Foundation stone was laid by The Honourable Thomas Playford M.P. Premier of South Australia November 27 1955".
Elliston, SA - St Francis of Assisi Catholic
Year Built: 1957
Address: 27 BeachTerrace, , Elliston South Australia, 5670
A Foundation stone reads, " Church of St Francis of Assisi This stone was blessed and laid by Most Rev Bryan Gallagher D.D. PhD Bishop of Port Pirie Sunday 13th Jan 1957".
Emerald, QLD - St Luke's Anglican
Year Built: 1958
Address: 40 Theresa Street, , Emerald Queensland, 4720
In 1894 a special meeting of Anglican parishioners was called at 8pm at Presbyterian Church. A building committee was formed for raising money and building an English Church in Emerald. Only one year later the Bishop of Rockhampton, Nathanial Dawes. D.D. travelled to Emerald on 11th Aug 1895 for the dedication of Saint Luke's Church, a…
Epping West, NSW - Uniting
Year Built: 1955
Address: 161 Carlingford Road, , Epping West New South Wales, 2121
A wall plaque reads, " Opened to the Glory of God 12th November 1955 by the President of the Conference Rev J.H. Sorrell MMED Supt of Circuit Rev RA Gibbons". Another plaque reads". The above plaque was preserved from the original weatherboard church on this site. This new building is a tribute to eight years devoted voluntary labour…
Ermington, NSW - Sydney Vision Uniting
Year Built: 1959
Address: 621 Victoria Street, , Ermington New South Wales, 2115
A Foundation stone reads, " This Church was opened and dedicated to the Glory of God by the Moderator Right Rev C.J. Vernon McKeown MA on Saturday 20th June 1959".
Esperance, WA - St John's Lutheran
Year Built: 1958
Address: 15 Backland Street, , Esperance Western Australia, 6450
The Church was opened in 1958. The Lutheran presence was first established in the Esperance region when South Australian farmers Walter and Grace Schultz took up land on Bows Road in Gibson in 1958.
Forbes, NSW - St John's Lutheran
Year Built: 1954
Address: Rankin Street, , Forbes New South Wales, 2871
The first services in the Forbes area were held at Bareenong. In 1931 it was canvassed to move services to Forbes. The first services were held in the CWA Hall. The foundation stone was laid on 5 August 1934 vy Pastor W Lehmann.
Forest Hill, VIC - St Mark's Anglican
Year Built: 1958
Address: 303 Canterbury Road, , Forest Hill Victoria, 3131
In 1955 a request for services to be held at Forest Hill were instigated and the Sunday School began on 6th November. On the 11th of March 1956 the first church service was held and named St Mark the Evangelist. By September 1957 a building plan was approved by the Diocese. In 1961 the Rev. Stephen Cherry, assistant curate in St…
Frankston, VIC - Saint Francis Xavier Catholic
Year Built: 1954
Address: 60 Davey Street, , Frankston Victoria, 3199
The first Catholic church to open in Frankston on 15 December 1889 after land was purchased for 60.00 the year before. The opening Ceremony was conducted by his Grace Archbishop Carr.* The church was of brick construction with freestone dressings and measured 45 feet x 25 feet. The architects were Tappin, Gilbert and Denchy.*
Frankston, VIC - Uniting
Year Built: 1958
Address: High Street, , Frankston Victoria, 3199
A Presbyterian Church service was first held in 1916 in an open space beside the then Mechanics Institute. The new Presbyterian congregation was at once attached to the congregations which had already been worshipping for many years at Somerville and at Baxter, then known as Mornington Junction. Two new congregations, at Seaford and…
George Town, TAS - St Andrew's Uniting
Year Built: 1958
Address: 101 Macquarie Street, , George Town Tasmania, 7253
A Foundation stone reads," To the Glory of God this stone was laid by Right Reverend Allan Martin Moderator of the Presbyterian Church of Tasmania 22nd June 1958".
Gisborne, VIC - St Paul's Anglican
Year Built: 1951
Address: Corner Fisher & Brantome Streets, , Gisborne Victoria, 3437
Founded in 1855. A foundation stone was laid on 21 October 1951 by his Honour Leut General Sir E. F. Herring Chief Justice of Victoria. The Foundation stone has a stone from Canterbury Cathedral inlaid into it. The last service in the old Church was held on 7 February 1949 and they continued in the Masonic Hall until the new Church was…
Gladstone, QLD - Presbyterian
Year Built: 1955
Address: 149 Goondoon Street, , Gladstone Queensland, 4680
Construction on a meeting place in the heart of Gladstone began in 1867, and the original foundation stone is still there today. This building was destroyed by a cyclone in March 1949. We rebuilt on the same site and the current building was finished in 1956. A Foundation stone reads, " AD 1867 This is the Foundation stone of the…
Glen Iris, VIC - St Faith's Anglican
Year Built: 1958
Address: 4 Charles Street, , Glen Iris Victoria, 3146
The Church was designed by Mockridge, Stahle, and Mitchell and built between 1957 and 1958. Two proposals for a larger church building were submitted by established church architects Louis Williams in 1941 and Wystan Widdows in 1953. The latter design was accepted by the church, however it was subsequently rejected in favour of the…
Glen Iris, VIC - St James Anglican
Year Built: 1959
Address: 1461 High Street, , Glen Iris Victoria, 3146
A Foundation stone reads, " This stone was set by the Archbishop of Melbourne The Most Reverend Frank Woods M.A. D.D. on the 7th March 1959 Vicar Rev A.A. Roberts ThL".
Glenelg, SA - Trinity Uniting
Year Built: 1958
Address: 25 Moseley Street, , Glenelg South Australia, 5045
A stone church was replaced in 1876 then used as a school room then pulled down. The Church was opened 25 July 1959. A Foundation stone reads, " This stone was laid to the Glory of God 7 December 1958". A further Foundation stone reads, " Wesleyan Methodist Church This stone was laid by J. Colton M.P. June 5th 1876".
Glengowie, SA - Uniting
Year Built: 1954
Address: 33 Butler Crescent, , Glengowrie South Australia, 5044
A wall plaque reads, " This stone was laid by Charles E. Bagshaw Esq Whose timely gift made possible the erection of this building. 11th December 1954". A further wall plaque reads, " To the Glory of God This stone was laid by Rev D.W. Annear LTh on behalf of the people of this Church and Sunday School 5th October 1958".
Glenrowan, VIC - St Paul's Anglican
Year Built: 1959
Address: 29 Church Street, , Glenrowan Victoria, 3675
A Foundation stone reads, " This stone was laid on 23rd August 1959 by the Right Rev T.M. Armour Bishop of Wangaratta". A further stone reads, " To the Glory of God this Hall was blessed for use by the Right Rev John Parkes Bishop of Wangaratta 26th June 2016".
Gordon, NSW - Uniting
Year Built: 1955
Address: 18 Cecil Street, , Gordon New South Wales, 2071
A Foundation stone reads, " To the Glory of God this stone was set by The Rev Norman W. Lickiss Lth Minister of the Church 1955".
Gordonvale, QLD - All Saints' Anglican
Year Built: 1956
Address: 7 Church Street, , Gordonvale Queensland, 4865
In 1899 a small church was built with one mass a month being conducted.
Greenock, SA - Uniting
Year Built: 1954
Address: 6 Kapunda Road, , Greenock South Australia, 5360
Formerly a Methodist church, the Foundation stone was laid on 19 September 1954 by D.. Branson Esq.
Griffith, NSW - St Alban the Martyr Anglican
Year Built: 1954
Address: Corner Anzac & Binya Streets, , Griffith New South Wales, 2680
The Foundation stone was laid on 2 May 1954 by the Most Reverend H.G. Robinson Bishop of Riverena. The Architect was Louis R Williams.
Griffith, NSW - Uniting
Year Built: 1957
Address: Beal Street, , Griffith New South Wales, 2680
The Foundation stone was laid on 29 June 1957 by the Right Reverend E.H. Vines.
Hagley, TAS - Uniting
Year Built: 1957
Address: 75 Meander Road, , Hagley Tasmania, 7292
The Church building has a multiple-gabled roof above a hexagon-shaped floor plan, with walls of red-coloured brickwork. A Foundation stone reads, " To the Glory of God this stone was laid by the Reverend C.L. Turner B.A. Superintendent Minister 6th April 1957".