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Year built: between 1961 and 1970
Colonel Light Gardens, SA - Church of Christ
Year Built: 1964
Address: 539 Goodwood Road, , Colonel Light Gardens South Australia, 5041
The Church of Christ was built in 1965-1966 on the site of an earlier 1920s Colonel Light Gardens Church of Christ chapel. A galvanised iron Independent Order of Rechabites Hall (c.1925) and tennis courts also previously stood on the site. The Church features Brownbuilt steel decking to flat roofs, red face-brick walls with square…
Colonel Light Gardens, SA - St Therese's Catholic
Year Built: 1962
Address: 3 Oxford Circus, , Colonel Light Gardens South Australia, 5041
A Foundation stone reads, " To the Honour and Glory of God This stone was blessed by the Most Reverend M Beovich D.D. PhD Archbishop of Adelaide Sunday 26th August 1962. Thomas Maloney P.P. A wall plaque reads, " War Memorial Church of St Therese of the Child Christ in remembrance of those who gave their lives for Australia World War I &…
Corinda, QLD - St Joseph's Catholic
Year Built: 1969
Address: 624 Oxley Road, , Corinda Queensland, 4075
A local architect, Mr Geo Trotter jnr, prepared the plans for the first Church and supervised the construction, which was carried out by Mr William Ross. The original contract was for five hundred and twenty-three pounds, plus the cost of the gallery and seating. Additionally, a further nineteen pounds was directed to incidental expenses.…
Corowa, NSW - Calvery Memorial Uniting
Year Built: 1966
Address: 1 Church Street, , Corowa New South Wales, 2646
In 1878, Rev. Presley was appointed to the Circuit and continued services at Howlang, Rutherglen, Corowa, Barnawartha and Chiltern. Services at Corowa shifted to the Oddfellows Hall at the top end of Sanger Street and were supported by local preachers Messers Trewran, Fraser, Taylor, Thompson, Dr. Whitaker. In April 1879, Rev.J.Leslie was…
Cowell, SA - Lutheran
Year Built: 1967
Address: 22 Story Street, , Cowell South Australia, 5602
St John's congregation fell under the ELSA belief. The Christ congregation fell under the UELCA belief and the St Paul's congregation fell under the LCA combined congregations.
Cowper, NSW - Mary Immaculate Catholic
Year Built: 1965
Address: 52 Clarence Street, , Cowper New South Wales, 2460
A Foundation stone reads, "Mary Immaculate Church Bishop P J Farrelly DD solemnly blessed and laid the foundation stone on Sunday 13-12-1964". A stone reads, "A M D G Bishop P J Farrelly DD solemnly blessed and dedicated this church as a memorial to the members of the armed services who lost their lives in World Wars I & II 23-5-1965".
Cressy, TAS - Uniting (Former)
Year Built: 1968
Address: 105 Main Street, , Cressy Tasmania, 7302
The Church was built in 1968.
Cressy, VIC - St Joseph's Memorial Catholic
Year Built: 1966
Address: Cressy Road, , Cressy Victoria, 3322
A Foundation stone reads, " A.M.D.G. This Church was blessed and opened by Most Reverend J.P. O'Collins D.D. Bishop of Ballarat on 13th November 1966 Rev P. O'Keffe M.B.E. Parish Priest. Architects P.J. O'Connor & Brophy. Builders M.J. McMahon & Sons".
Cronula, NSW - Shire Presbyterian
Year Built: 1961
Address: 11 Croydon Street, , Cronulla New South Wales, 2230
A Foundation stone reads, "To the Glory of God This stone was set by Mrs A M Smith On the 16th of September 1961 Honorary designer C.R. Gulson LSQ MINISTER Rev T P McEvoy BA".
Cronulla, NSW - St Aloysius Gonzaga Catholic
Year Built: 1965
Address: 5 Nicholson Parade, , Cronulla New South Wales, 2230
The Church was officially established as a parish in 1924. The start of the parish, like many parishes in Australia, was with the home church or the domestic church. In the early twentieth century a small group of Catholics gathered in the house of Agnes and Albert Giddings. After several years, Agnes and Albert Giddings donated a piece…
Crookwell, NSW - St Bartholomew's Anglican
Year Built: 1969
Address: 17 Denison Street, , Crookwell New South Wales, 2583
A Foundation stone reads, " St Bartholomew's Parish Church A.M.D.G. This stone was set by The Right Rev K.J. Clements Bishop of Canberra & Goulburn 16th February 1969. Rev D.K. Turnbull Rector.
Croydon, SA - The Assumption of the Virgin Mary Greek Orthodox
Year Built: 1970
Address: 1A William Street, , Croydon South Australia, 5008
Initially a Methodist church in Brompton, it was purchased and converted into an Orthodox church to serve the needs of the very large number of Greek migrants in the surrounding areas.
Crystal Brook, SA - St John's Lutheran
Year Built: 1963
Address: Stanley Street, , Crystal Brook South Australia, 5523
The first know existence of Lutheran's in this area forming a church was recorded in February 1881 when several families met for a service in the home of A.F. Noll. For the next 17 years all services were held there. By 1897 the room in the Noll home could not hold all the congregation so it was decided a church was needed. The foundation…
Culcairn, NSW - St Stephen's Lutheran
Year Built: 1966
Address: 13 MacBean Street, , Culcairn New South Wales, 2660
The Foundation stone was laid on 20 November 1966.
Cummins, SA - St Andrew's Catholic
Year Built: 1963
Address: 76 Railway Terrace, , Cummins South Australia, 5631
A Foundation stone reads, "A.M.D.G. This stone was solemnly blessed and laid by Most Rev Bryan Gallagher Bishop of Port Pirie on July 14th 1963". A Foundation stone on the old church reads, " A.M.D.G. Eccelsia Sancti Andreae Fundata 1935 In Fidi Et Caritate".
Cummins, SA - St Simon & St Jude's Anglican
Year Built: 1968
Address: 37 - 39 Light Road, , Cummins South Australia, 5631
A Foundation stone reads, " This stone was laid to the Glory of God on Sunday 18th February 1968 Rt Reverend T.E. Jones Bishop of Willochra The Reverend J.B. Kinsman Rector"
Dickson, ACT - Baptist Memorial
Year Built: 1964
Address: 133 Cowper Street, , Dickson Australian Capital Territory, 2602
A Foundation plaque reads," This Foundation plaque was unveiled by Chaplain General The Rev Allen Brooke CBE ED first Minister of this Church 11th July 1964, Other foundation can no man lay than that is laid which is Jesus Christ".
Doncaster, VIC - Pilgrim Uniting
Year Built: 1970
Address: 29 Westfield Drive, , Doncaster Victoria, 3108
The Foundation stone was laid on 4 October 1970 by H.G. Mackay B.A.
Dromana, VIC - Uniting
Year Built: 1965
Address: 305 Point Nepean Highway, , Dromana Victoria, 3936
The Foundation stone was laid on 29 May 1965.
Dubbo, NSW - Greek Orthodox
Year Built: 1962
Address: 9 Ropper Street, , Dubbo New South Wales, 2830
A Foundation stone reads "Greek Orthodox Church of Our Lady of Myrtidiotissa September 1962".
Dulwich, SA - St Peter Claver Catholic
Year Built: 1963
Address: 8 Stuart Road, , Dulwich South Australia, 5065
A wall plaque reads, " War Memorial Church of St Peter Claver erected to the memory of of those who gave their lives for their country in World Wars 1 and 11 RIP. A further Foundation stone reads, " A.M.D.G. Church of St Peter Claver This stone was solemnly blessed by the Most Rev J.W. Gleeson C.M.G. D.D.V.G. on the 22nd Day of December…
East Malvern, VIC - Holy Eucharist Catholic
Year Built: 1962
Address: 1241 Dandenong Road, , Malvern East Victoria, 3145
A Foundation stone was laid on 12 September 1962 by the Archbishop of Melbourne J.D. Simonds D.D. The church, designed by architects Alan Robertson & Associates and built by Holywood Constructions, cost £55,000. It was blessed and officially opened by Archbishop Simonds in September 1962. Holy Eucharist and St. Mary's Malvern East are…
Elizabeth, SA - St Peter's Lutheran
Year Built: 1965
Address: 521 Main North Road, , Elizabeth South Australia, 5112
A Foundation stone reads, " This stone was laid to the Glory of God on 5th December 1965. Praise Ye the Lord Psalm 146' 1 ".
Footscray, VIC All Saints' Anglican
Year Built: 1964
Address: May Street, , Footscray Victoria, 3011
A Foundation stone reads, " To the Greater Glory of God this stone was set by The Venerable R.W. Dann B.A. THL 21st June 1964 - Jesus Christ Himself being the Chief corner stone Alan Gordon Laity Parish Priest Architects Wystan Widdows & David Caldwell - Builders Johns & Reid".
Foster, VIC - Christ Church Anglican
Year Built: 1962
Address: 34 Station Road, , Foster Victoria, 3960
The first church in Foster was licenced on 24 October 1890. The church and vicarage were destroyed by the disastrous bushfires of 1898. The Parish Hall was built in 1928. The current brick church was built in 1962.
Frenchs Forest, NSW - The Forest Kirk Uniting
Year Built: 1961
Address: 522 Warringah Road, , Frenchs Forest New South Wales, 2086
A Foundation stone reads, " This stone was set to the Glory of God by the Moderator of the Presbytery of North Sydney Rev Victor Clark Duff B.A. 2nd December 1961".
Freshwater, NSW - St Mark's Anglican
Year Built: 1961
Address: 4 Oliver Street, , Freshwater New South Wales, 2096
A Foundation stone reads, "To the Glory of God this stone was laid by The Right Rev M.L. Loane MA DD Bishop Co - Adjutor of Sydney on Sunday 16th April 1961".
Gatton, QLD - St Alban's Anglican
Year Built: 1967
Address: 68 Railway Street, , Gatton Queensland, 4343
The Church was designed by Allan Roy Muller who also oversaw its construction. The Foundation stone was laid on 25 June 1967 by the Most Reverend P.N.W. Strong archbishop of Brisbane.
Gatton, QLD - St Mary's Catholic
Year Built: 1963
Address: 15 Maitland Street, , Gatton Queensland, 4343
Gawler South, SA - Immanuel Lutheran
Year Built: 1963
Address: Corner Second & Seventh Streets, , Gawler South South Australia, 5118
The first church was erected in 1863. The Foundation stone for the current church was laid on 18 September 1962 and the building was dedicated on 12 May 1963.
Geelong East, VIC - St Margaret's Catholic
Year Built: 1964
Address: 46 Lomond Terrace, , Geelong East Victoria, 3219
A Foundation stone reads, A.M.D.G. St Margaret's Church Solemnly blessed His Grace The Most Reverend Justin D. Simonds DD PHD Archbishop of Melbourne 28th November 1963 Rev Father R. Rafter".
Glen Osmond, SA - St Saviour's Anglican
Year Built: 1966
Address: 596 Portrush Road, , Glen Osmond South Australia, 5064
A Heritage plaque on the former church reads, " The former church of Saint Saviour was dedicated on this site in 1862. The funds for its construction were raised by a committee that included prominent residents such as Osmond Gilles and Arthur Hardy. The church has since been rebuilt and the bluestone rectory located behind the hall,…
Glenelg, SA - St Peter's Anglican
Year Built: 1961
Address: 1 Torrens Square, , Glenelg South Australia, 5045
The first church was built in 1852, designed by Edmund Wright and built by Henry Moseley. In 1881 it was announced that the old church was to be demolished. The replacement, again to the design of Wright, was to be built in sections commencing with nave and chancel. The western porch (1924) is the last structural addition. Squared…
Glenroy, VIC - Uniting
Year Built: 1962
Address: 76 Wheatsheaf Road, , Glenroy Victoria, 3044
Glenroy Presbyterian Church (St Andrews?) began in 1904 in a hired hall in Wheatsheaf Road Glenroy. Glenroy Methodist began in the 1950"s in a detachable building in Station Road Glenroy. Over the years both churches built more permanent buildings on their sites. In 1977 after union, both congregations combined to form Glenroy Uniting…
Goolwa, SA - Redeemer Lutheran
Year Built: 1967
Address: 10 - 14 Gardiner Street, , Goolwa South Australia, 5214
The Foundation stone was laid on 22 November 1967 by Rev Thomas Horgan P.A. The Lutheran's share this Catholic Church for services.
Goolwa, SA - St John the Apostle Catholic
Year Built: 1967
Address: Partridge Street, , Goolwa South Australia, 5214
The Foundation stone was laid on 22 November 1967 by Rev Thomas Horgan P.A.
Gordon Park, QLD - St Carthage's Catholic
Year Built: 1966
Address: 115 Beaconsfield Terrace, , Gordon Park Queensland, 4031
In 1928 Archbishop Duhig purchased the block of some 28 allotments that made up the roughly triangular block of the hill top of Gordon Park with the intention of building a Church/School and later a Church and School. A Foundation stone reads, " St Carthage Gordon Park This commemorative stone was blessed and laid by The Most Rev…
Greenacres, SA - Uniting
Year Built: 1964
Address: Mullers Road, , Greenacres South Australia, 5086
The Foundation stone was laid on 16 February 1964 by the Ex President of the Conference the Reverend G.T. Inglis B.A. B.D.
Greensborough, VIC - All Saints' Anglican
Year Built: 1967
Address: Corner Main Street & Church Street, , Greensborough Victoria, 3088
Church of England services can be traced back to around 1886. The first services took place in a barn owned by Major Anthony Bealle who "selected" St Helena near Greensborough in 1839. A weatherboard church along with a school and vicarage were built in 1889 and were located where the current church is situated. The school was…
Greensborough, VIC - Living Faith Uniting
Year Built: 1966
Address: 37 Grimshaw Street, , Greensborough Victoria, 3088
The first service of the Greensborough Methodist church was held in March of 1850, in, "Meagher's Barn" which refers to a barn that stood on the "Willis Vale" property of James Willis Mayger, near the Plenty River. The Wesleyans acquired their own house of worship in Hailes Street. This weatherboard church was still being used as a…