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Yankalilla, SA - Christ Church Anglican
Address: 132 Main Road, , Yankalilla South Australia, 5203
Christ Church has a marble font which has its origins in the Middle Ages, once gracing Salisbury Cathedral in England. It was given to a former Christ Church rector during a visit to England.
Yankalilla, SA - Lutheran
Year Built: 1879
Address: 121 Main Road, , Yankalilla South Australia, 5203
The Southern Fleurieu Peninsula was first mapped by Europeans in 1802 with both Nicholas Baudin and Matthew Flinders travelling the coastline. The French explorer Baudin named the Fleurieu Peninsula. Formerly a Methodist church it was established in 1879. The adjoining hall was opened in 1932. As of 2011 the Luthern's were using…
Yankalilla, SA - Uniting
Year Built: 1879
Address: 121 Main Road, , Yankalilla South Australia, 5203
The Southern Fleurieu Peninsula was first mapped by Europeans in 1802 with both Nicholas Baudin and Matthew Flinders travelling the coastline. The French explorer Baudin named the Fleurieu Peninsula. Formerly a Methodist church it was established in 1879. The adjoining hall was opened in 1932. The Lutheran's also use this Church…
Yarck, VIC - Presbyterian (Former)
Address: 6589 Maroondah Highway, , Yarck Victoria, 3719
Privately owned
Yarra Glen, VIC - St Aloysius Catholic
Address: Sayle Street, , Yarra Glen Victoria, 3775
Planning for a Church to be erected in Yarra Glen began about 1888 and Mr Charles Fletcher won the tender to erect a timber and iron building. The Archbishop of Melbourne, Reverend Dr Carr made a special visit to formally open the building on Sunday 19 July 1890. From October 1889 Yarra Glen was served by a parish priest based at…
Yarra Glen, VIC - St Paul's Anglican
Address: Corner Bell Street & Anzac Avenue, , Yarra Glen Victoria, 3775
A meeting was held at Yarra Flats Hotel on Saturday 10 July 1886 to discuss the building of an Episcopalian Church at Yarra Flats. John Sayle (1820-1901) chaired the meeting and a committee was formed of local residents. A block of land at the corner of Armstrong Grove and the Old Healesville Road (Melba Highway) was donated by Mr. John…
Yarra Junction, VIC - All Saints' Anglican / Uniting
Address: 2438 Warburton Highway, , Yarra Junction Victoria, 3797
Yarra Junction, VIC - St Thomas A'Beckett Catholic
Address: Milners Road, , Yarra Junction Victoria, 3797
Yarragon, VIC - St Jarlath Catholic
Address: Rollo Street, , Yarragon Victoria, 3823
The Church is of Gothic design, and was built in 1899. Previously Mass was celebrated in a small rented building. The blessing was performed by Fr. Coleman and Mass celebrated by Fr. Coyne. Winter's 'Mass in G' was sung by the choir and Fr. Maher of the Vincentians preached. The church was designed by Leonard Flannagan of Melbourne. The…
Yarram, VIC - Community
Year Built: 1963
Address: 142 Commercial Road, , Yarram Victoria, 3971
In 1883 tenders were called for the erection of a Church in Yarram, on land given by Mr. Abraham Bland. It was at the southern end of his property "Aylesbury", on the road which later was named Church Road. The Parsonage was still at Tarraville, but in 1890 one was built on land adjoining the Church. The floor plan of the house was the…
Yarram, VIC - Good Shepherd Lutheran
Address: 95 Commercial Road, , Yarram Victoria, 3971
The Lutheran's as of 2022 were using the Anglican Church for their services.
Yarram, VIC - Holy Trinity Anglican
Address: 95 Commercial Road, , Yarram Victoria, 3971
A public meeting to consider the matter of erecting a Church was conviened on 13th August 1866. The minutes record that a block of land was secured having a chain frontage to the Yarram road, at a cost of 10 pounds. (This block is where the Rectory now stands in Commercial Road). On September 8th 1866 it was decided to erect a building…
Yarram, VIC - St Andrew's Uniting
Address: 109 Commercial Road, , Yarram Victoria, 3971
St Andrew Uniting Church and hall front Commercial Road. The Presbyterian congregation had used the Yarram Anglican Church for services for 25 years prior to building their own church in 1895. In October 1894 a meeting was held at the Mechanics Hall, at which it was decided to build a brick church to seat 200 people. Funds began to be…
Yarram, VIC - St Mary's Catholic
Year Built: 1915
Address: 5 Buckley Street, , Yarram Victoria, 3971
The Church was built at the request of Bishop Phelan who laid the foundation stone 10th October 1915. He also opened and blessed the completed buildings which had cost in the vicinity of £4000 but, with donations and proceeds of St. Patrick's Day Sports, by September 1917 the debt had been reduced to £1550. A Foundation stone reads, "…
Yarram, VIC - St Peter's Presbyterian
Address: Cnr Dougherty Street & Montgomery Street, , Yarram Victoria, 3971
Yarraville, VIC - Anglican
Address: 41 Sommerville Road, , Yarraville Victoria, 3013
Now Anglicare. The Presbytery was built in 1934 and was sold in 2015. A Foundation stone reads, " Gloria Dei This stone was laid by His Grace the Most Reverend Harrington Clare Lees D.D. Archbiship of Melbourne on September 2nd 1922 A.D. A. Clissolo Builder Thos Watts and Sons Architects".
Yarraville, VIC - Pilgrim Uniting
Year Built: 1931
Address: 77A Bayview Road, , Yarraville Victoria, 3013
A Methodist chapel was first built on the Bayview road site in 1888 and the current brick building was built in 1931. The new church was to seat 200 including the choir. The estimated cost was £2,000. A Foundation stone reads, " To the Glory of God and for the healing of souls this stone was laid by Mr Thomas Leigh on 18th October…
Yarraville, VIC - Protestant
Year Built: 1930
Address: 35 Lennox Street, , Yarraville Victoria, 3013
A Foundation stone reads, " To the Glory of God and for the Blessing of Young Life This stone was laid by His Excellency The Governor of Victoria Lord Somers on September 6th 1930".
Yarraville, VIC - St Augustine's Catholic
Year Built: 1924
Address: 71 Somerville Road, , Yarraville Victoria, 3013
The Church is in Romanesque style and was commenced in November 1923. A Foundation stone reads, " A.M.D.G. This stone was laid June 1st 1924 and the Church was blessed and opened Feb 1st 1925. His Grace the Most Rev Daniel Mannix D.D. L.L.D. Archbishop of Melbourne Rev T English P.P.". The Church was constructed between 1918 and 1924…
Yarraville, VIC - St Nicholas Greek Orthodox
Address: 5 Murray Street, , Yarraville Victoria, 3013
Yarraville, VIC - Westgate Baptist
Year Built: 1963
Address: 16 High Street, , Yarraville Victoria, 3013
The Church was formed from the coming together of three smaller Baptist Churches in 1982. A Foundation stone reads, " This stone was laid 15th Sept 1963 To God be the Glory".
Yarrawonga, VIC - Sacred Heart Catholic
Year Built: 1905
Address: 8 Murphy Street, , Yarrawonga Victoria, 3730
A Foundation stone reads, " This stone was laid by the Most Rev S. Reville D.D. O.S.A. Bishop of Sandhurst April 30th 1905. Pastor The Rev E Madden Architects Kempson & Conolly Contractors Farnsworth and Son".
Yarrawonga, VIC - St Andrew's Uniting
Address: 6 Piper Street, , Yarrawonga Victoria, 3730
A Foundation stone reads, " St Andrews Presbyterian Church Founded 1879 This stone was laid by A.A. Manning Esq J.P. 14th July 1928". A Foundation stone on the Church Hall reads, "To the glory of God in memory of the fallen of two World Wars and Korea. This stone was laid by the Rev. Reford Corr Chaplain 2nd A.I.F. Minister of this…
Yarrawonga, VIC - St Cuthbert's Anglican
Year Built: 1966
Address: 41 Piper Street, , Yarrawonga Victoria, 3730
Until 1884, when the first St. Cuthbert’s church was built, divine services were conducted in schools at Yarrawonga, Boomahnoomoonah, Tungamah, Youarang North, Pelluebla South and Lake Rowan by Reverend A. T. Hayhow and Reverend L. R. West (the first Rector of Yarrawonga, from 1880, appointed by the Bishop of Melbourne). By 1882 there…
Yass, NSW - Old St Augustine's Catholic
Address: 105 Meehan Street, , Yass New South Wales, 2582
The foundation stone of the new church was laid on 11 April 1954 by Archbishop Eris O'Brien and the church was opened on 29 April 1956, by Archbishop Guilford Young. Fifty-year celebrations were organised on 29 April 2006 by Father Laurie Bent, who was Parish Priest in Yass at the time.
Yass, NSW - St Andrews Uniting
Year Built: 1906
Address: 124 Meehan Street, , Yass New South Wales, 2582
The foundation stone of the current St. Andrews Church was laid on the 17th January 1906 by Alexander McBean of Springmount, a grandson of the first Alexander McBean, the founder of the family in the district. The architects were Messrs. Nixon and Adam. The church was built by Mr. Hastings from Tumut and is of Gothic design, built of…
Yass, NSW - St Augustine's Catholic
Year Built: 1954 - 1956
Address: 108 Meehan Street, , Yass New South Wales, 2582
The foundation stone of the church was laid on 11 April 1954 by Archbishop Eris O'Brien and the church was opened on 29 April 1956, by Archbishop Guilford Young. Fifty-year celebrations were organised on 29 April 2006 by Father Laurie Bent, who was Parish Priest in Yass at the time. The architect for the church was architects Fowell…
Yass, NSW - St Clement's Anglican
Year Built: 1847
Address: Church Street, , Yass New South Wales, 2582
The foundation stone of the present church of St Clement (designed by Edmund Blacket and later enlarged) was laid in 1847. The Church was Consecrated on 8th January 1852 by Bishop Broughton. Built in Stuccoed stone in Gothic Revival style. Twin nave plan with chancel, porch, tower and vestry. Original timber shingle roof replaced with…
Yass, NSW - Uniting (Former)
Year Built: 1871
Address: 100A Rossi Street, , Yass New South Wales, 2582
The Foundation Stone of the Church was laid on 24th February at 4 p.m. It was ‘a massive lump of squared free-stone’ from Mr. Barber’s Quarry near the Flour Mill. Underneath the stone was placed a bottle containing a copy of the Yass Courier and a manuscript of the names of the Minister and Officers of the church. This stone was set at…
Yea, VIC - Sacred Heart Catholic
Year Built: 1899
Address: The Parade, , Yea Victoria, 3717
The church was built beteen 1899 and 1910 during Reverend Patrick O'Reilly's time. The church was blessed by the Second Archbishop of Melbourne the Most Reverend T.J. Carr D.D. on 26 October 1902.
Yea, VIC - Scot's Presbyterian
Year Built: 1922
Address: Melba Highway, , Yea Victoria, 3717
The Founbdation stone was laid by the Right Reverend the Moderator of Victoria Reverend F. Patton M.A. B.D. on 16 December 1922.
Yea, VIC - St Luke's Anglican
Year Built: 1869
Address: Corner Lyons & Pelissier Street, , Yea Victoria, 3717
Originally all denominations in this beautiful farming community met for worship in a wooden building which served as both Church and Parsonage. Though intended for all those of protestant evangelical persuasion the first preacher in 1857 was Mr Ashe and Anglican lay preacher. A Mrs L Kerr came to the rescue of the Anglicans to build…
Yelarbon, NSW - St Theresa's Catholic
Address: 52 Burrel Street, , Yelarbon Queensland, 4388
Yelarbon, QLD - Protestant (Former)
Address: 9 Railway Parade, , Yelarbon Queensland, 4388
Now in private hands.