Rev Basil Tudor Craig (60024)

Full Name: Rev Basil Tudor Craig

Born: 1833

Died: 1907

Denomination: Anglican



''OBITUARY. REV. DR. B. T. CRAIG. (By Telegraph.-Special Correspondent.) WESTBURY, September 25, 1907. Many were the expressions of regret when the sad news was received here of the death of the Rev. Dr. Basil Tudor Craig, rector of St. Andrew’s Anglican Church, Westbury, which took place at an early hour this morning. Dr. Craig had shown signs of failing health of late, and his removal to the hospital on Thursday last caused much concern to Mrs. Craig and his many friends. His remains were brought to Westbury per train to-night, and placed in the church. Much sympathy is felt for Mrs. and Miss Craig. Tha late Dr. Craig became rector of Westbury in 1901. He was educated at Hertford College, Oxon., received his B.A. degree in 1855, M.A. in 1860, and D.D. in 1872. He was ordained deacon in 1850, and priest in 1857 at Rochester. He was curate of Brentwood from 1857 to 1861, was chaplain to the Bishop of Adelaide, 1861 to 1869 ; incumbent of Campbell Town, 1869 to 1876; curate of St. John’s, Chatham, 1877-78; incumbent of Christ Church, Mount Gambier, South Australia, 1878-93; rural dean of tho south-east, 1889-93; curate of Charminster and Stratton, Dorset, 1894 ; and vicar of Waratah, 1865-1901. [more] <ref>"The Mercury" (Hobart, Tas. : 1860 - 1954) Thu 26 Sep 1907 Page 5 OBITUARY;</ref>