Amamoor, QLD - Uniting (Former)

Year Built: 1935

Denomination: Uniting

Address: 17 Busby Street, Amamoor, Queensland, 4570

Previous Denomination: Methodist

Architect: Unknown

Traditional Owners: Gubbi Gubbi

Last Updated: 06/09/2023

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History and Architecture:

The Church was opened in 1935 later becoming Amamoor Uniting Church. It closed in 2017.


These names are now in the Database and can be searched individually.

Years Name Annotation D.o.B D.o.D
1935 - Rev A. C. Seamer M
- Rev W. Holcombe M
- Rev J. H. Walmsley M
- Rev G. D. Smith M
- Rev R. T. Sargeant M
- Rev D. H. Atherton M
- Rev I. S. Hiscock M
- Rev J. D. Gaydon M
- Rev D. Williamson M
- Rev G. Williams M
- Rev H. Allsop M
- Rev G. Robinson M
- Rev O. Marks M
- Rev J. Mavor M
- Rev G. Grimmett M
- Rev K. Rose M
- Rev K. Cutmore M
- Rev B. Gulley M
- Rev W. Graham M
- Rev M. Grenwich
- Rev J. Savage
- Rev T. Pinkney
- Rev J. Walker
- Rev A. Sank
- Rev T. Honeychurch
- Rev R. Heathwood
- Rev T. Gibson


1. 2023 John Hutt photo & booklet 50 Years Amamoor - Kandanga 1935 - 1985.