Anglesea, VIC - Anglican

Year Built: 1957

Denomination: Anglican

Address: 2 Camp Road, Anglesea, Victoria, 3230

Architect: Unknown

Traditional Owners: Wadawurrung people

Last Updated: 12/02/2022

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History and Architecture:

Prior to 1886 occasional services were held from time to time by Anglican clergy who were visiting Anglesea. Regular services were commenced in Mr Jackson's house by Archdeacon Stretch in 1886 and were later continued by readers from Modewarre. Mr G.F. Belcher donated land for a church and in 1887. John S. Jackson, a Geelong architect called tenders for the erection of a church measuring 30f1 by 18ft. St Andrew's, which could seat 100 people, was opened on l" April 1888 by Archdeacon Stretch.

By the mid-1950s, a strong move commenced to replace the church and in 1956 plans were drawn up by Mervyn Bunbury. of Earle and Bunbury, Architects of Melbourne. When the Freshwater Creek church took the name St Andrew's, a new name had to be found. As the plans for the new church were made during the Festival of Transfiguration, the Church was named the Church of Transfiguration. The church was officially opened on 19'h May 1957 by Archbishop J.J. Booth.


This list may not contain every serving cleric, past or present, for this church.
Further submissions welcomed.

Years Name Annotation D.o.B D.o.D
1950 - 1954 Rev James Robert Waterman 1902 1974
1954 - Rev Thomas Albert Gair 1888 1972
1959 - 1961 Rev Ronald Theodore Durance
1961 - 1964 Rev P. Burgess
1964 - 1971 Rev D. Green
1971 - 1977 Rev E T.J. Richardson
1977 - 1982 Rev Archie Lynne Browne 1914 1998
1982 - Rev F. E. Bedrook Asst
1982 - 1985 Rev Timothy Maxwell Gibson PiC 1947
1986 - 1994 Rev P. Bedford


No information currently available. Submissions welcomed.


1. The Australian Anglican Directory 2000.
2. Churches of Geelong and District, Vol 2 Pre 1900 Margaret Freewin & Lorraine Phelan