Barrabool, VIC - Holy Trinity Anglican (Former)

Year Built: 1855

Denomination: Anglican

Address: 410 Merrawarp Road, Barrabool, Victoria, 3221

Architect: Charles Vickers

Traditional Owners: Wadawurrung people

Last Updated: 23/01/2024

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History and Architecture:

One of Victoria's earliest rural Anglican churches, The Church was begun with the construction of the nave in 1855 in local Barrabool sandstone. It was designed by early Victorian architect, Charles Vickers, in Gothic style. The chancel, vestry and porch were added in1857 by Geelong architects, Shaw & Dowden. The entire church was re-constructed to the same design in 1884, again in Barrabool sandstone, but rendered over except for the buttresses and quoins.

The vicarage, a picturesque Gothic attic house was built in 1855 in rough coursed Barabool stonework and was possibly also the work of architect Charles Vickers. It is the oldest known continuously occupied vicarage in Victoria. Vicarage seems to have been added to the Church for classification.

The Church is now in private hands.


This list may not contain every serving cleric, past or present, for this church.
Further submissions welcomed.

Years Name Annotation D.o.B D.o.D
1853 - 1858 Rev William Richard Croxton Curate 1821 1898
1866 - 1867 Rev Henry John Edwards 1831 1915
1868 - 1877 Rev William Hutchinson 1822 1885
1877 - 1878 Rev John Anderson Fawns Curate 1836 1916
1883 - 1886 Rev John Anderson Fawns Missionary Priest 1836 1916
1888 - 1906 Rev John Cameron 1849 1911
1906 - 1912 Rev William James Thomas Pay With Highton 1874 1953
1912 - 1916 Rev Arthur Montgomery Capper With Highton 1883 1953
1916 - 1917 Rev James William Percy Oates With Highton 1879 1962
1921 - 1923 Rev Thomas Lawson Lawrence 1891 1941
1923 - 1926 Rev Herbert Henry Hammond 1890 1955
1926 - 1928 Rev Walter Gilbert Blackhouse 1890 1975
1928 - 1930 Rev Ernest Louis Renardo Panelli With Highton 1888 1953
1930 - 1947 Rev Harry George Mathews 1871 1951
1951 - 1955 Rev Sydney James Muxworthy With Highton 1898 1996
1956 - 1959 Rev Harry Roberts Lewis Bailey Curate 1908 2000


No information currently available. Submissions welcomed


1. Cable Clerical Index.
2. Victorian Heritage Database.