Beaufort, VIC - St John the Baptist Anglican

Year Built: 1957

Denomination: Anglican

Saint: John the Baptist

Address: Hill Street, Beaufort, Victoria, 3373

Architect: G.S. Richards

Traditional Owners: Wadawurrung people

Last Updated: 31/03/2024

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History and Architecture:

An earlier church was opened in November 1868 to the design of the Ballarat architect H.R. Caselli, costing more than £900.00. The foundation stone of the present church, designed by Ballarat diocesan architect G.S. Richards, was laid in April 1957.  It was constructed in cream brick in a refined Gothic style: there is a small tower at the west end.


This list may not contain every serving cleric, past or present, for this church.
Further submissions welcomed.

Years Name Annotation D.o.B D.o.D
1877 - Mr William Henry Geer Lay Reader 1848 1910
1878 - Mr Joseph William Arnold Lay Reader 1854 1919
1881 - 1882 Rev Charles Harris Curate 1847 1934
1889 - 1891 Rev Edward John Davies Curate 1859 1934
1927 - 1936 Rev Alfred Talbot 1876 1963
1949 - 1951 Rev Cecil Stanley Bull 1902 1994
1957 - 1970 Rev Walter Charles Duffy 1900 1972
1971 - 1976 Rev T. M. Pamflett


The organ, of anonymous manufacture, was in use before 1908 and is believed to have been built locally. The Organ has 1m, 5spst, no pedals, tr.
Man: 8.8 divided.4.4.2. All pipework of wood.
A full desciption and photos can be seen here.


1. Organ Historical Trust of Australia with permission.
2. Cable Clerical Index with permission.