Beecroft, NSW - Uniting

Denomination: Uniting

Address: 82 Beecroft Road, Beecroft, New South Wales, 2119

Previous Denomination: Methodist

Architect: Alfred Newman

Traditional Owners: Wallumedegal people

Last Updated: 21/04/2024

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History and Architecture:

No information currently available. Submissions welcomed.


This list may not contain every serving cleric, past or present, for this church.
Further submissions welcomed.

Years Name Annotation D.o.B D.o.D
1897 - 1899 Rev William H. Beale M
1900 - 1902 Rev William E. Bourne M
1902 - 1905 Rev J. G. Morris Taylor M
1906 - 1909 Rev Reginald B. Bowes M 1856 1936
1908 - 1909 Rev Bernard Deane M
1910 - 1913 Rev Ernest E. Crosby M 1987
1913 - 1913 Rev Giles T. Moore M 1966
1914 - 1915 Rev Benjarmin Lane M
1914 - 1914 Rev Arthur F. Crapp M 1883 1954
1915 - 1916 Rev Raymond H. Doust M
1917 - 1918 Rev W. Henry Howard M
1917 - 1917 Rev William C. Francis M
1918 - 1921 Rev Bernard Deane M
1922 - 1923 Rev John W. Collier M
1924 - 1928 Rev Bernard Deane M


No information currently available. Submissions welcomed.


1. A Charge to Keep. A history of the Wesleyan Methodist - Uniting Church Beecroft 1895-1995 from Illuminate Recollect.