Belmont, VIC - Uniting

Denomination: Uniting

Address: Thomson Street, Belmont, Victoria, 3216

Architect: Unknown

Traditional Owners: Wadawurrung people

Last Updated: 05/02/2022

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History and Architecture:

The first Methodist Church service in Belmont was held in the home of Mr. Caldwell in the ealy 1880's. By the 3rd of May 1891 first service was held in the new church built in High Street – south of Mt. Pleasant Road.

For further history visit the church website here.


This list may not contain every serving cleric, past or present, for this church.
Further submissions welcomed.

Years Name Annotation D.o.B D.o.D
1912 - 1913 Rev Henry Dabb M
1913 - 1914 Rev Edgar B. Blake M 1888 1946
1914 - 1915 Rev John Duggleby M
1915 - 1916 Rev Ernest W. Swan M
1916 - 1917 Rev C. C. Yarwood M
1917 - 1918 Rev Walter Betta M
1918 - 1922 Rev Alexander McKay M 1862 1922
1922 - 1925 Rev John Jeffries M
1925 - 1929 Rev Leslie D. Smith M
1929 - 1933 Rev John F. Long M
1937 - 1942 Rev Francis C. Boundy M
1942 - 1946 Rev A. Roy Wilson M
1946 - 1951 Rev Harold R. Freeman M
1947 - 1952 Rev Harold E. Walsh M
1951 - 1957 Rev Colin F. McRae M
1954 - 1955 Rev Eric F. Osborn M
1955 - 1960 Rev Cyril B. Stroud M
1957 - Rev Geoffrey E. Vertigan M
1965 - 1968 Rev John R. Renshaw M
1968 - 1975 Rev Graham G. Lehman M
1993 - 1999 Rev R. Thomas P
1999 - Rev J. P. Clarke P
2017 - Rev Ikani Vaitohi U


No information currently available. Submissions welcomed.


1. Methodist Church of Australisia Ministerial Index
2. Church Website.