Berrigan, NSW - Presbyterian (Former)

Denomination: Presbyterian

Architect: Unknown

Traditional Owners: Wiradjuri people

Last Updated: 31/03/2024

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History and Architecture:

The Berrigan charge originally included Finley, Tocumwal and Berrigan. On 19th December 1928 the Rev Mr Hain Moderator of the Presbyterian Church of NSW dedicated the building to the service of God. The cost of the building and furnishings amount to £748-1-9.


This list may not contain every serving cleric, past or present, for this church.
Further submissions welcomed.

Years Name Annotation D.o.B D.o.D
1880 - 1892 Rev J. Dykes
1892 - 1893 Mr James Mudie
1893 - 1895 Rev T. D. Evans
1895 - 1897 Mr John Valentine 1896
1897 - 1898 Mr J. N. Mcknee
1898 - 1900 Mr H. S. Anderson
1900 - 1902 Rev A. McLennan
1902 - 1907 Rev J. J. Thorpe
1907 - 1909 Rev T. S. Crwaford
1909 - 1914 Rev R. G. McCarron
1914 - 1915 Rev J. A. Malcolmson
1915 - 1918 Rev Hilton Thomas
1918 - 1924 Rev J. B. McKissock
1924 - 1927 Rev J. C. McLelland
1927 - 1932 Rev D. J. Albert
1932 - 1938 Rev W. Maitland
1938 - 1938 Rev Scott Morton Locum
1938 - 1942 Rev C. M. Cox
1942 - 1946 Rev G. L. Sneddon
1946 - 1952 Rev R. G. Crawford
1952 - 1952 Rev Bole
1952 - 1959 Rev G. Fox
1959 - 1960 Rev E. Smyth Locum
1960 - 1965 Rev T. Cowperthwaite
1965 - 1965 Rev D. M. Harper Locum
1965 - 1974 Rev C. J. Sharpe
1974 - 1975 Rev D. Sloane Locum
1975 - 1977 Rev A. Pearce Methodist Minister
1977 - Rev H. Hollister Methodist Minister


In 1922 Mr Wardrop, Mr McLellan and Mr Pearson were elected to a comittee to purchase a new organ for the church and this remained in use until 1967 when an electric organ took its place.


1. History of the Berrigan Presbyterian Church by Marion J Steer