Berserker, QLD - Methodist (Former)

Year Built: 1880

Denomination: Methodist

Address: Musgrave Street, Berserker, Queensland, 4701

Architect: Unknown

Traditional Owners: Darumbal people

Last Updated: 17/03/2023

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History and Architecture:

From 1880 to 1887 the North Rockhampton Methodist Circuit remained under the control of the Fitzroy Street Primitive Methodist Church. In 1887 North Rockhampton was declared a separate Circuit, and the Rev.I.Castlehow was appointed as its first Minister. He later became President of the Queensland Methodist Conference in 1908. The first Quarterly Meeting was held in 1887, with Mr.Joseph Dawson as first Circuit Steward.

An improved and enlarged Church was opened on Saturday, July 2nd.1931 by the Chairman of the District, the Rev.T.Bibby, and the Rev. A.A. Mills, M.C., who came specially from Brisbane to take part in the ceremony and officiate at the Sunday services.


These names are now in the Database and can be searched individually.

Years Name Annotation D.o.B D.o.D
1887 - Rev I. Castlehow PM
1887 - Rev A. E. Fox PM
1896 - Rev F. L. Nunn M
1896 - Rev Irvone Weir M
1896 - Rev Foster M
1896 - Rev W. Little M
1896 - Rev A. H. Stoke M
1910 - 1913 Rev C. C. Truman M
1913 - 1914 Rev G. Williams M
1914 - 1917 Rev H. J. Potter M
1917 - 1918 Rev G. Holland M
1918 - 1919 Rev F. H. Brown M
1919 - 1920 Rev R. W. Uren M
1920 - 1922 Rev R. J.R. Delbridge M
1922 - 1924 Rev G. Phillips M
1924 - 1927 Rev S. G. Munroe M
1927 - 1928 Rev J. C. Ward M
1928 - Rev F. Leckenby M
1929 - 1931 Rev H. E. Kingsford M
1931 - 1934 Rev T. Burgess M
1934 - 1937 Rev T. G. Lithgow M
1937 - 1940 Rev F. Chowns M
1940 - 1941 Rev I. Menear M
1941 - 1943 Rev C. G. Browne M
1943 - 1944 R. W. Morton M
1944 - 1948 Rev E. A. Wells M
1948 - 1952 Rev I. Hiscock M
1952 - 1955 Rev B. J. Dale M
1953 - Rev N. Davis Asst
1954 - 1956 Rev F. J. Arthurs Asst
1955 - 1960 Rev G. Williams M
1956 - 1957 Deaconess V. Ericsen Asst
1957 - Rev T. Pinkney Asst
1957 - 1958 Rev C. S. Duffie Asst
1958 - 1959 Rev R. Bright M
1959 - 1960 Rev S. J. Tame Asst
1960 - 1961 Rev H. M. Gesswein Asst
1960 - 1964 Rev George E. Andrews M
1961 - 1962 Rev E. Elliott Asst
1962 - 1963 Rev E. Kentish Asst
1963 - 1964 Rev . Howard Asst
1964 - 1965 Rev K. Bachler Asst
1964 - 1966 Rev N. R. Ross M
1965 - 1966 Rev D. Jensen Asst
1966 - 1968 Rev R. Shelton M
1966 - 1968 Rev R. Warner Asst
1968 - 1969 Rev . Griffiths Asst
1968 - 1972 Rev N. R. Stoddart M
1969 - 1975 Rev M. Neilsen Asst
1972 - 1975 Rev W. Cowan M
1975 - 1977 Rev A. L. Johns Asst
1975 - 1979 Rev S. Schloss M
1977 - Deaconess J. Baillie Asst
1979 - Rev C. Squires M


No information currently available. Submissions welcomed.


1. Centenary 1880 - 1980 CQ 287.93099435 CENT