Bexley, NSW - St Andrew's Presbyterian

Year Built: 1887

Denomination: Presbyterian

Address: 269 Forest Road, Bexley, New South Wales, 2207

Architect: Unknown

Last Updated: 05/01/2021

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History and Architecture:

The land on which this Church is built was first granted to James Chandler on the 19th October 1831 by Governor Brisbane (1300 acres). The Foundation stone was laid on 24 May 1887 by the ten Minster for Education the Hon James Inglis. The Church was opened for worship by Rev Robert Steel in October 1887.

For over 50 years it was known as Bexley Presbyterian Church but on 23 March 1941 it was re named St Andrew's and to maintain historical sequence, is today known as St Andrew's Bexley Presbyterian Church. The Mance was erected in 1927 and in 1931 Lowrie Hall was added to the rear of the church.   

The Church is a simple painted brick chapel with gabled roof covered with Marseilles tiles. Rendered brick buttresses with round topped windows. Rose window.


This list may not contain every serving cleric, past or present, for this church.
Further submissions welcomed.

Years Name Annotation D.o.B D.o.D
1888 - 1913 Rev Thomas Hill M.A.
1913 - 1925 Rev F. A. Darling
1925 - 1929 Rev Sam Watson M.A.
1929 - 1940 Rev Rob Campbell
1940 - 1952 Rev W. A. Thompson
1953 - 1969 Rev G. R. Garner
1969 - 1974 Rev A. G. Ingram
1974 - 1977 Rev H. A. Olsen
1978 - 1983 Rev C. R. Thomas
1984 - Rev Ewen Brown B.D.S.


The first Organ served the church for 60 years in the form of a 3 Manual pull stops Reed Organ. A new Hammond Electronic Organ was installed in 1971. The first Organist was Miss Gray and Miss Burnett in 1900.


1. St Andrew's Bexley Presbyterian Church 1887 - 1987 Centenary Souvenir. Q285.294412
2. Office of the NSW Environment and heritage website.