Biloela, QLD - St Joseph's Catholic

Denomination: Roman Catholic

Saint: Joseph

Address: 66 Rainbow Street, Biloela, Queensland, 4715

Architect: Unknown

Traditional Owners: Gangalu people

Last Updated: 07/05/2023

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History and Architecture:

No information currently available. Submissions welcomed.


This list may not contain every serving cleric, past or present, for this church.
Further submissions welcomed.

Years Name Annotation D.o.B D.o.D
1926 - 1929 Father Carrie
1929 - 1932 Father Edward Rooney
1932 - 1936 Father Michael Dolan 1975
1936 - 1941 Father Dr Patrick J. Walsh
1940 - 1942 Father John Nugent Curate
1941 - 1948 Father Alphonsus O'Dwyer
1948 - 1954 Father Robert Gibbs
1952 - 1953 Father Leahy
1954 - 1967 Father Terry Collins 1967
1963 - 1966 Father Peter Greene
1965 - 1966 Father M. McArdle Curate
1966 - 1967 Father Terry Loth Curate
1967 - 1970 Father Thomas Page Curate 1970
1968 - 1970 Father Paul Kettle Curate
1970 - 1974 Father Pat Connor Curate
1971 - 1975 Father Kevin Bagley Curate
1974 - 1976 Father Greg Barnes Asst
1975 - 1982 Father Leonard O'Rouke
1977 - 1979 Father Ken Ilott Curate
1982 - 1987 Father Kelvin Schmidt
1987 - Father Justin Clare
2023 - Father Simeon Uchendu


No information currently available. Submissions welcomed.


1. St Joseph's Parish Biloela Golden Jubilee 1939 - 1989
2. Deceased Clergy in Australia, 1788-present