Birdwood, SA - Holy Cross Lutheran

Year Built: 1860

Denomination: Lutheran

Address: 1 Church Street, Birdwood, South Australia, 2446

Architect: Unknown

Traditional Owners: Peramangk People

Last Updated: 03/05/2024

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History and Architecture:

The town of Birdwood, formerly Blumberg,' was founded in January 1848 after the first settlers of Blumberg arrived from Hamburg, Germany in December of 1847. The first worship services of the congregation were held in the home of one of the elders of the congregation until his death in 1850. A small church was then built about 1.5km north-west of the present church and worship services were conducted there.

About 10 years after the first church was built, the present church was built using locally gathered materials. The first worship service was conducted in December of 1860 when it was completed. The original Church's materials were moved to the present site, and used to erect the Blumberg' Hall.

The Oak Tree which has been there as long as the church is the centrepiece of the church grounds.


This list may not contain every serving cleric, past or present, for this church.
Further submissions welcomed.

Years Name Annotation D.o.B D.o.D
1848 - 1855 Pastor Gotthard Daniel Fritzsche BL 1796 1863
1855 - 1882 Pastor Carl August Hensel BL 1816 1861
1882 - 1883 Pastor Heinrich Wiese ELSA 1842 1929
1883 - 1919 Pastor Johann Heinrich Christian Harms ELSA 1853 1919
1920 - 1951 Pastor Edwin August Henry Graebner ELSA 1890 1955
1951 - 1955 Pastor Edgar Victor Kempe ELSA 1914 2012
1955 - 1971 Pastor Roy Carl Schumacher LCA 1906 1982
1971 - 1976 Pastor Reginald Frank Adler LCA 1932 2016
1976 - 1986 Pastor Reginald John Kotzur LCA 1933 2022
1986 - 1991 Pastor Paul Albert Zweck LCA 1933 2012
1992 - 1997 Pastor Graham Jeffrey Simmonds LCA
1999 - 2006 Pastor Michael James Steicke LCA
2009 - 2013 Rev Benjamin J. Hentschke LCA 1922 2013
2014 - 2021 Pastor David J. Kuss LCA


No information currently available. Submissions welcomed.


1. Lutheran Archives with permission.