Blackstone, QLD - Welsh

Year Built: 1886

Denomination: Protestant

Address: 6 Thomas Street, Blackstone, Queensland, 4304

Architect: Samuel Shenton

Traditional Owners: Jagera, Yuggera & Ugarapul people

Last Updated: 05/04/2023

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History and Architecture:

The Church was designed by Samuel Shenton and built in 1886 by Worley & Whitehead. The church was known as the Welsh Union Church in the early years but was being called the United Welsh Church by the early 20th century. The church building opened officially on 16 October 1886.

A plaque reads, " This stone is erected to commemorate 100 years of worship of the United Welsh Church Blackstone 1883 - 1983. Yogoniant I Dduw Mawr Yw Y Pethau A Gwneuthur".


There are currently no clergy recorded for this church. Submissions are welcomed.


No information currently available. Submissions welcomed.


1. 2023 Karl Warkus photo.