Botany, NSW - St Matthew's Anglican

Denomination: Anglican

Saint: Matthew

Address: 1331 Botany Road, Botany, New South Wales, 2019

Architect: Unknown

Last Updated: 15/06/2024

See Street View

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History and Architecture:

The original church was erected in 1841 and a new church replaced it in 1862.


This list may not contain every serving cleric, past or present, for this church.
Further submissions welcomed.

Years Name Annotation D.o.B D.o.D
1864 - 1866 Rev Edward Mitchell Saliniere With Waterloo 1837 1893
1867 - 1870 Rev Samuel Fox With Waterloo 1830 1902
1870 - 1873 Rev Joseph Barnier With Waterloo 1832 1889
1873 - 1873 Rev Edward Bloomfield Clarke locum tenens with Waterloo 1831 1900
1883 - 1884 Rev James Napoleon Manning Minister 84 1838 1914
1884 - 1895 Rev Frederick Thomas Trivett Curate with Waterloo 84 1854 1919
1895 - 1901 Rev Charles Edward Amos 1839 1909
1896 - 1897 Rev William Shackfield Newton Curate 1837 1912
1902 - 1907 Rev Hubert Alfred Demster 1871 1939
1905 - 1906 Rev Samuel Bealey Holt 1840 1906
1907 - 1911 Rev John William Upjohn 1850 1923
1909 - Rev Richard Bradley Robinson Catechist 1888 1966
1911 - 1914 Rev George Corrie Glanville 1871 1953
1912 - 1915 Rev Richard Bradley Robinson Curate 1888 1966
1914 - 1915 Rev Sydney Alfred Turner Catechist 1893 1986
1914 - 1921 Rev William Thomas Price 1875 1962
1916 - 1916 Rev William Corner Curate 1873 1954
1919 - 1919 Rev Frederick Reynal Barratt Catechist 1870 1946
1921 - 1921 Rev Robert John Hewett Catechist 1894 1984
1921 - 1928 Rev Reginald Smee 1870 1929
1928 - 1929 Rev Edgar Heyden Peppercorn Catechist 1872 1957
1928 - 1936 Rev Russell Frederick Tacon 1879 1950
1932 - 1933 Rev George Thorold Earp Curate 1905 1970
1936 - 1940 Rev John Francis Gilbart Huthnance 1871 1945
1937 - 1937 Rev Alan Eyre Palmer Reader 1906 1963
1940 - 1946 Rev Harold Weymouth Mullens 1878 1965
1941 - 1941 Rev Eric Joseph Seatree Curate 1906 1988
1941 - 1942 Rev Alex Rupert Babington Morrisby Curate 1913 1982
1946 - 1948 Rev Eric Joseph Seatree 1906 1988
1948 - 1957 Rev Arthur Allan Bennett 1883 1967
1955 - 1956 Rev William Thomas Price locum tenens 1875 1962
1979 - 1980 Rev Norman Woodheart locum tenens 1906 1984
1980 - 1980 Rev Reginald Norman Langshaw locum tenens 1911 2001


The organ in this church was built in 1917 by Joseph Massey of Sydney using secondhand parts. It has (2/10 mechanical and tubular-pneumatic).
For a complete description and photos click here.


1. Organ Music Society of Sydney with permission.
2. Cable Clerical Index with permission.