Campbellfield, VIC - Scots Uniting

Year Built: 1855

Denomination: Uniting

Address: 1702 Sydney Road, Camperbellfield, Victoria, 3061

Previous Denomination: Presbyterian

Architect: Charles Laing

Traditional Owners: Wurundjeri Woi-wurrung people

Last Updated: 24/12/2024

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History and Architecture:

The stone Church was completed in 1855 and erected through the efforts of Reverend Peter Gun. It was modelled on the church at Tacher Scotland, where Peter Gun preached his first sermon. During the construction, Peter Gunn acted as a foreman of works and majority of the labour used was voluntary.

The bluesotnes for the church were quarried from a site near Falkiner Cemetary. The Church bell was a gift from the people of Caithness in Scotland.

For a full history click here.


This list may not contain every serving cleric, past or present, for this church.
Further submissions welcomed.

Years Name Annotation D.o.B D.o.D
1842 - 1844 Rev Thomas Mowbray P
1845 - 1864 Rev Peter Gunn P
1867 - 1869 Rev Samuel Kelly P
1870 - 1879 Rev J. Manby P
1881 - 1897 Rev T. Edwards P
1900 - 1909 Rev H. Carroll Mission Station
1900 - 1909 Rev Ben Williams Mission Station
1900 - 1909 Rev R. Nairn Mission Station
1900 - 1909 Rev B. T. Buntine Mission Station
1910 - 1912 Rev D. S. Jones P
1910 - 1912 Rev David Samuel P
1913 - 1916 Rev Alex McNeilage P
1917 - 1918 Rev P. E. Shepherd P
1919 - 1922 Rev Adams Mission Station
1919 - 1922 Rev Phillips Mission Station
1919 - 1922 Mr Hamilton P
1923 - 1937 Rev T. V. Charlton P
1938 - 1940 Rev Phillips Supply
1941 - 1942 Rev F. E. Yeaman P
1943 - Rev David Broughton P
1944 - 1945 Rev R. H. Noak With Pascoe Vale
1946 - 1953 K. H. Hamill Mission Station with Glenroy & Fawkner
1946 - 1963 C. A. Harrison Mission Station with Glenroy & Fawkner
1946 - 1963 Rev Mackay Mission Station with Glenroy and/or & Fawkner
1946 - 1963 Rev Charles Mission Station with Glenroy and/or Fawkner
1946 - 1963 Rev B. Gee Mission Station with Glenroy and/or Fawkner
1963 - 1965 Rev R. Paterson With North Pascoe Vale
1963 - 1971 Rev Ian R. Steer With North Pascoe Vale
1964 - 1967 Rev Ray Creevy With North Pascoe Vale
1969 - 1972 Rev A. O. Hardie P
2022 - Rev John Rigby U


No information currently available. Submissions welcomed.


1. A Time to Build Up. A History of Scots Church Campbellfield since 1842. From Presbyterian Archives with permission.