Camperdown, VIC - St Paul's Anglican

Year Built: 1863

Denomination: Anglican

Saint: Paul

Address: Corner Church & Fergusson Streets, Camperdown, Victoria, 3260

Architect: Michael McCabe

Traditional Owners: Eastern Maar people

Last Updated: 22/03/2023

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History and Architecture:

The building of St Paul's Parish Church commenced in 1863 with substantial contributions from families whose descendants still worship in the parish. With local tradesmen directing the stonework and carpentry, both the church and the vicarage were completed within four months.

The Church was built in three stages with chancel and sanctuary, and transepts and bell tower added later. In 1894 a vestry and Lady Chapel were added. Architecturally it is a mixture of styles, including Norman and Gothic.

Both the church and the vicarage are built in bluestone with Welsh slate roofs. The church features sandstone surrounds for the doors and windows. The pulpit and font are cut from the same sandstone. The original pews and choir stalls are still in use, however, in 1989 the floor was replaced and carpeted, and heating installed.


These names are now in the Database and can be searched individually.

Years Name Annotation D.o.B D.o.D
1868 - 1886 Rev John Hutchinson 1813 1891
1894 - 1912 Rev John Horton Macfarlaine 1847 1914
1902 - 1904 Rev John William Geer Curate 1877 1941
1908 - 1909 Rev John Brodie Armstrong 1858 1937
1912 - 1916 Rev Arthur David Davies 1860 1916
1916 - 1916 Rev Thomas Alexander Colebrook 1866 1924
1925 - 1932 Rev Walter Guthrie Bower 1876 1936
1925 - 1926 Rev Herbert Douglas Campbell Curate 1887 1960
1950 - 1957 Rev Leslie Burgess 1900 1979
1957 - 1966 Rev George Eric Mutten 1899 1996
1959 - 1963 Rev Lewis Samuel Langdon 1903 1975
1968 - 1973 Rev Douglas Robert Stewart Rural Dean
1982 - 1983 Rev Arthur Mellish Savage Acting RD
2019 - Rev Mathew Crane


Built in 1895 by Fincham & Hobday and constructed out of material already worked up. Rebuilt in 1962 by George Fincham & Sons. It has 2m, 18 sp st, 7c, el pn. Gt: Sw: Ped: The Organ cost £438 and was opened in August 1895.
A full description and photos can be seen here.


1. Cable Clergy Index with permission.
2. Organ Historical Trust of Australia with permission.