Cleveland, QLD - St James' Lutheran

Year Built: 1971

Denomination: Lutheran

Saint: James

Address: 31 Waterloo Street, Cleveland, Queensland, 4163

Architect: Unknown

Traditional Owners: Quandamooka people

Last Updated: 29/04/2024

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History and Architecture:

A Foundation stone reads, " St James Lutheran Peace Memorial Church To the Glory of God 23rd May 1971".


This list may not contain every serving cleric, past or present, for this church.
Further submissions welcomed.

Years Name Annotation D.o.B D.o.D
1939 - 1943 Pastor F. M.I. Loehe UELCA
1943 - 1945 Pastor Siegfried Helmuth Held UELCA 1916 1992
1945 - 1947 Pastor Leonard Walter Loffler UELCA 1917 2015
1947 - 1948 Pastor Johannes Gottfried Simpfendoerfer UELCA 1891 1949
1948 - 1951 Pastor Gerhard Ernest Prove UELCA 1926 2005
1952 - 1958 Pastor Leo Paul Graetz UELCA 1928 1976
1959 - 1962 Pastor Henry Wilfred Beach UELCA 1928 1995
1963 - 1967 Pastor David Gerhard Stolz UELCA & LCA 1939 2018
1967 - 1973 Pastor Kevin Dudley Kuchel LCA 1932 2012
1974 - 1980 Pastor Frederick William Henkelmann LCA
1980 - 1988 Pastor Karl Heinz Kirsch LCA
1989 - 1995 Pastor Robert Allen Erickson LCA
1995 - 1997 Pastor Stephen John Schumacher LCA
1996 - 2009 Pastor Maurice Geoffrey Richter LCA
2011 - 2017 Pastor Andrew Paul Schulz LCA
2019 - 2023 Pastor Edward James Szabo LCA


No information currently available. Submissions welcomed.


1. Lutheran Archives with permission.