Cobargo, NSW - St Mary's Catholic

Year Built: 1896

Denomination: Roman Catholic

Saint: Mary

Address: 58 Wandella Road, Cobargo, New South Wales, 2550

Architect: Unknown

Last Updated: 27/08/2024

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History and Architecture:

No information currently available. Submissions welcomed.


This list may not contain every serving cleric, past or present, for this church.
Further submissions welcomed.

Years Name Annotation D.o.B D.o.D
1891 - 1892 Father James Sheridan 1919
1892 - 1892 Father Patrick Ryan
1892 - 1895 Father John O'Carroll 1896
1895 - 1899 Father James J. O'Reilly
1899 - 1902 Father Patrick Kenny 1920
1902 - 1908 Father Michael MacNamara 1939
1908 - 1941 Father Edward Hanrahan 1941
1941 - 1942 Father Alexander McGilivray Administrator
1942 - 1947 Father John Twomey
1947 - 1954 Father James Blakeney 1973
1953 - 1953 Father Morgan O'Connor Administrator 1977
1954 - 1959 Father Edward Barry 1959
1959 - 1960 Father William Keating Administrator temp.
1960 - 1962 Father Ailbee Conway 1993
1962 - 1965 Father Vincent Butler
1965 - 1977 Father Joseph Staunton
1967 - 1967 Father Anthony Wilkinson Administrator temp.
1967 - 1968 Faather Paul Maloney Administrator temp.
1977 - 1981 Father Thomas Hunt
1980 - 1981 Father Peter Gannon
1981 - Dean Albert Havas
2021 - Father Joseph Tran


No information currently available. Submissions welcomed.


1. St Patrick's Bega Parish 1988.
2. History of the Cabargo Parish written and compiled by Fr A. Havas V.F.P.P. Courtesy Berrima District Historical Society.
3. Deceased Clergy in Australia, 1788-present.