Cooma, NSW - St Andrew's Uniting

Year Built: 1880

Denomination: Uniting

Saint: Andrew

Address: 61 Soho Street, Cooma, New South Wales, 2630

Previous Denomination: Presbyterian

Architect: Mr. Elphinstone

Traditional Owners: Ngarigo people

Last Updated: 13/03/2024

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History and Architecture:

The Church was opened in 1882 as a Presbyterian Church. The west wall includes a beautiful stained glass window, and other features include a timber pulpit, choir, and a 623 pound bell. In 1997 the tower clock was replaced and flood lighting of the stained glass window was fitted.

The cost of the building was £l,545 but including all extras, bell and organ, and excluding the clock, which was donated by Mr. William Jardine, the cost to the community was £2,300. In 1887 an area of 15 acres on Cooma Creek was purchased as a site for a Manse, but this, with the exception of six acres, was afterwards sold.

A plaque reads, "To the Glory of God this plaque was unveiled by the President of the Uniting Church Rev Winston D. O'Reilly CBE MA MEd Dip Soc MACE on the Centenary of the laying of the Foundation stone of St Andrew's Cooma 1st March 1980".


This list may not contain every serving cleric, past or present, for this church.
Further submissions welcomed.

Years Name Annotation D.o.B D.o.D
1865 - 1872 Rev W. Baker
1877 - 1882 Rev J. H. Archibald
1882 - 1885 Rev Evan Bissett
1886 - 1890 Rev George Hay
1890 - 1893 Rev James Marshall 1855 1930
1894 - 1895 Rev Nathaniel Eady Patterson Locum 1859 1895
1897 - 1900 Rev William Addison Smyth Anderson 1939
1900 - 1904 Rev J. H. Craigg
1904 - 1908 Rev P. Pope
1908 - 1912 Rev George Logan
1912 - 1916 Rev C. F.W. McAlpine
1921 - 1924 Rev Charles Anderson
1925 - Rev J. McGee
2021 - Rev Noel Williams


A single manual pipe organ was installed in 1967.


1. Church Heritage, Vol.8 No.4
2. Monarro Pioneers website.