Deloraine, TAS - Baptist

Year Built: 1880

Denomination: Baptist

Address: 3 Bonney Street, Deloraine, Tasmania, 7304

Architect: Unknown

Last Updated: 09/12/2022

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History and Architecture:

According to the book William and Mary Ann Gibson by Greg Luxford apparently William Gibson donated the sale proceeds of one of his Ram's at the Royal Melbourne Show to fund the building of the Tabernacle. That figure was £1,000. The family also paid for the building of stables and allegedly a manse. They also paid for the Ministers salary.

The Church is classified by the National Trust as a fine Italianate chapel with classical facade. The main south facade is stucco in Italianate style with pilasters and pediment. Central entry with double four panel door, fanlight and decorative keystone.


This list may not contain every serving cleric, past or present, for this church.
Further submissions welcomed.

Years Name Annotation D.o.B D.o.D
1863 - 1871 Rev Jesse Pullen
1863 - 1871 Rev J. S. Harrison Interim 1935
1881 - 1882 Rev Harry W. Wood 1854 1935
1882 - 1884 Rev E Vaughn
1884 - 1887 Rev A. Hyde
1887 - 1892 Rev H. D. Archer
1892 - 1895 Rev H. W. Wood
1895 - 1898 Rev S. A. Harris
1898 - 1901 Rev Howard Leslie Elliot
1901 - 1905 Rev W. H. Short
1905 - 1908 Rev Vincent George Britten 1856 1950
1909 - 1914 Rev J. W. Fisher 1876 1947
1914 - 1916 Rev A. Butler
1916 - 1917 Rev J. Parker
1918 - 1921 Rev A. P. Dawson
1921 - 1925 Rev A. B. Holloway
1926 - 1930 Rev Joseph G. Langton
1930 - 1933 Rev Vincent George Britton 1856 1950
1930 - 1933 Rev R. Wotton Asst
1933 - 1936 Rev F. T. Belot
1936 - 1938 Rev R. Steel
1936 - 1938 Rev J. D. Williams Asst
1939 - 1943 Rev W. Black
1944 - 1946 Rev R. Kingsmill
1946 - 1950 Rev T. C. Cronau
1951 - 1955 Rev S. Bath
1955 - 1956 Rev M. D. Brewer
1957 - 1961 Rev T. W. Fist
- Rev W. Tate Interim
- Rev R. Pocklington Interim
- Rev R. Steel Interim
- Rev V. Ratcliffe Interim
2005 - Rev Edward Nibbs Interim
2017 - 2020 Rev Michael Rowels


1. A brief history of the Deloraine Baptist Church 1859 - 1959 Centenary Year Celebrations. LSC P 286.194631 FIS
2. William and Mary Ann Gibson. Greg Luxford. LSC P 286.1946 GIB