Doncaster, VIC - St Gregory the Great Catholic

Year Built: 1983

Denomination: Roman Catholic

Saint: Gregory

Address: 71 Williamsons Road, Doncaster, Victoria, 3108

Architect: Graeme Law

Traditional Owners: Wurundjeri people

Last Updated: 27/12/2022

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History and Architecture:

The Church was designed by architect Graeme Law and built by John Bergamin. It was dedicated by Archbishop Little on 17 December, 1983. The main structure of the roof is in the form of a cross and the lighting adds emphasis to it.

A plaque on the wall reads, "On the Feast of St. Gregory the Great, to celebrate the fiftieth anniversary of St. Gregory's Parish MONSIGNOR GREGORY BENNET, V.G. Blessed and Commissioned the bell and cross which will call people to worship in this church.

Designer: Tania Kirk Bell: Australian Bell Pty Ltd, Engineer A Keng Pty Ltd Project Manager Kirkon Pty, Steel by Genis Steel. September 2017. Cross: JTB Metal Industries, F H F, Electrics. Pastor: Mons: A.J. Ireland".


This list may not contain every serving cleric, past or present, for this church.
Further submissions welcomed.

Years Name Annotation D.o.B D.o.D
2017 - Monsignor Anthony J. Ireland
2022 - Father Charles Balnaves


No information currently available. Submissions welcomed.


1. Church website.