Forbes, NSW - St John's Lutheran

Year Built: 1954

Denomination: Lutheran

Saint: John

Address: Rankin Street, Forbes, New South Wales, 2871

Architect: Unknown

Last Updated: 27/04/2024

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History and Architecture:

The first services in the Forbes area were held at Bareenong. In 1931 it was canvassed to move services to Forbes. The first services were held in the CWA Hall. The foundation stone was laid on 5 August 1934 vy Pastor W Lehmann.


This list may not contain every serving cleric, past or present, for this church.
Further submissions welcomed.

Years Name Annotation D.o.B D.o.D
1911 - 1912 Pastor Reinhold Gottfired Haeusler ELSA 1881
1913 - 1913 Pastor Edwin August Henry Graebner ELSA 1890 1955
1919 - 1925 Pastor Carl August Venz ELSA 1891 1983
1925 - 1934 Pastor Wilfred Paul Lehmann ELSA 1900 1982
1934 - 1942 Pastor Johannes Martin Georg ELSA 1910
1942 - 1946 Pastor Clemens Victor Eckermann ELSA 1919 1999
1947 - 1951 Pastor Adolph Berthold Hartwich ELSA 1911 1972
1952 - 1954 Pastor James August Pietsch ELSA 1928 2009
1954 - 1958 Pastor Ronald Allen Schmaal ELSA 1923 1980
1959 - 1963 Pastor Byron Grant Klein ELSA
1964 - 1968 Pastor Anthony Horace Lock ELSA & LCA 1929 1996
1969 - 1972 Pastor Keith Cedric Herrmann LCA
1972 - 1976 Pastor George Paul Venz LCA 1909 2007
1977 - 1982 Pastor Christopher Ian Georg LCA
1983 - 1988 Pastor Timothy Walter Kowald LCA
1989 - 1994 Pastor Noel C. Schmocker LCA 1928 2022
1994 - 2003 Pastor Kenneth Phillip Pfitzner LCA
2004 - 2008 Pastor James David Janetzki LCA
2009 - 2012 Rev Robert Hanmann LCA
2013 - 2016 Pastor Paul A. Hage LCA
2019 - Pastor James N. Leach LCA


No information currently available. Submissions welcomed.


1. The Lutheran Church of Forbes. 1934 - 1994 The 60th Anniversary of ST Johns Lutheran Church
2. Lutheran Archives with permission.