Greensborough, VIC - Calvery Lutheran

Year Built: 1978

Denomination: Lutheran

Address: 1 Oldstead Road, Greensborough, Victoria, 3088

Architect: Unknown

Traditional Owners: Wurundjeri Woi-Wurrung people

Last Updated: 26/04/2024

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History and Architecture:

The original church was in Briar Hill from 1954 to 1969 and then Montmorency from 1970 to 1977. By the end of 1973, one acre of land had been purchased in Greensborough. Towards the end of 1974, a congregational member purchased a further 3½ acres on the corner of Diamond Creek and Oldstead Roads.

A foundation stone dated 29 October 1978 sits on the wall of the current church. The current church was opened in 2006 and its foundation stone was laid on 19 February of that year.


This list may not contain every serving cleric, past or present, for this church.
Further submissions welcomed.

Years Name Annotation D.o.B D.o.D
1975 - 1975 Pastor Paul Albert Zweck LCA 1933 2012
1975 - 1981 Pastor Edwin William Koch LCA
1981 - 1983 Pastor Hermann Pech LCA 1921 2006
1983 - 1992 Pastor Graham Norman Zweck LCA
1994 - 2004 Pastor Stephen John Pietsch LCA
2005 - 2013 Pastor Brett Anthony Kennett LCA
2014 - 2023 Pastor Tim P. Stringer LCA


No information currently available. Submissions welcomed.


1. Lutheran Archives with permission.