Kalkallo, VIC - St John's Presbyterian

Year Built: 1860

Denomination: Presbyterian

Saint: John

Address: 3 Cameron Street, Kalkallo, Victoria, 3064

Architect: Thomas Taylor

Traditional Owners: Woiwurrung people

Last Updated: 17/04/2024

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History and Architecture:

The church was dedicated on 9 December 1860, having been erected earlier that year by William Brown of Darraweit Guim. It was designed by the architect Thomas Taylor, whose previous designs included two churches at nearby Bulla and the Melbourne Grammar School.

The total cost of St John's church was £1,271 15s Od, paid for by local collections and a Government subsidy.

Constructed in random coursed stone, the main facade has heavy pinnacles with a squat bellcote above the central entrance. The gable parapet is decorated and there is a traceried lancet window. The roof is of slate. Unfortunately, the predominantly Scottish population of the district gradually dwindled through death and departure, with the result that St John's church became too costly for the few remain-ing adherents to maintain. The building is classified by the National Trust, and included on the Register of the National Estate.

The Church as of 2024 is a Wellness Centre.


There are currently no clergy recorded for this church. Submissions are welcomed.


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