Kensington Park, SA - Uniting

Year Built: 1904

Denomination: Uniting

Previous Denomination: Methodist

Architect: Unknown

Last Updated: 24/11/2022

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History and Architecture:

Towards the close of the year 1902 a number of Methodists living in Llarryatville and :ensington Park finding it too fax to the nearest Church, met together and discussed the advisability of establishing a place of worship in this neighbourhood. Lmong those present were Messrs. J. H. Sinclair, Jas. Delehanty, n.2. Linn, J.P. Roberts, E, E. Williams, Colliver and J.P. NeCallum.

The Foundation stone was laid on the 26th of March 1904 by Sir Frederick Holder, and was opened on 20th May 1904. The Church was erected in Romanesque style and built of stone, brick, and iron, with a partition at one end which can be readily extended to a depth of 87 ft. There is seating accommodation for 300 worshippers.


This list may not contain every serving cleric, past or present, for this church.
Further submissions welcomed.

Years Name Annotation D.o.B D.o.D
1904 - Rev William Jeffries M
- Rev J. D. Langsford M
- Rev W. H. Hanton M
- Rev W. A. Potts M
1958 - Rev Sidney H. Farmer M


1. Kensington Park Uniting Church 75th Anniversary SA 287.930994231 K36 1979.
2. Methodist Church of Australasia Ministerial Index.