Kent Town, SA - Wesley Uniting

Year Built: 1850

Denomination: Uniting

Address: 27 Grenfell Street, Kent Town, South Australia, 5067

Previous Denomination: Wesleyan Methodist

Architect: Edmund W Wright

Last Updated: 22/02/2024

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History and Architecture:

The suburb of Kent Town was named after Dr B A Kent who was the first resident of the area. A large number of Wesleyans lived in the newly developed suburb. As early as 1850 they held services in a cottage occupied by Mr Henry Broad on the corner of Beulah Road and Fullarton Road.

The Wesleyans recognized the need for a church and when Dr Kent had his land surveyed, subdivided and offered for sale, the Rev D R Draper (Adelaide Circuit Superintendent) was anxious to secure an allotment for a Wesleyan church. He selected the present site at the corner of Kent Terrace (Fullarton Road) and Grenfell Street.

The Church was designed by Edmund W Wright, a famous architect of colonial Adelaide. Parishioners included F H Faulding, G P Harris, Sir John Colton, William Rhodes and T G Waterhouse, all well-to-do and prominent citizens who lived in the area.

Construction of the church nave was completed by Opening Day on Sunday 6 August, 1865. However, when opened in August 1865 only the central nave was built, with the north and south transepts being added in 1867 and the vestries at a later date.

A gathering of estimated 7,000 people packed the space inside and outside the church for the services of celebration. The church was named the Jubilee Wesleyan Methodist Church.

The architectural style is Neo-Gothic and was built of local bluestone from Tapley's Hill. It is the largest church of the Uniting Church in South Australia with a seating capacity of 1,100.


These names are now in the Database and can be searched individually.

Years Name Annotation D.o.B D.o.D
1903 - 1905 Rev George T Arthur M
1914 - 1915 Rev Norman G.D. Smith M 1973
1915 - 1918 Rev Gordon Rowe M
1915 - 1919 Rev Arthur B. Lloyd M
1918 - 1921 Rev Percy C.W. Eckersley M
1926 - 1927 Rev Norman Lade M
1929 - 1933 Rev Robert E Stanley M
1933 - 1938 Rev Arthur B. Lloyd M
1935 - 1938 Rev John H Crossley M
1937 - 1941 Rev George H Pemberton M
1938 - 1943 Rev Milton Reeves Maley M
1946 - 1951 Rev Harry Alvey M
1949 - Rev Frank J Lomman M 1981
1949 - 1953 Rev W Curry M
1951 - 1953 Rev Robert E Stanley M
1953 - 1955 Rev Edwin N Broomhead M 1895 1975
1953 - 1957 Rev William John Curtis M
1954 - 1960 Rev Philip N Potter M 1915 2007
1957 - Rev Eric C.A. Nicholls M
1962 - Rev Alwyn R Broadbent M
2020 ? - Rev Alexander ogers U


The Organ was built in 1898 by J.E. Dodd and later rebuilt in 1964. Two manuals, 41 speaking stops, electro-pneumatic action. Enlarged 2010-2016 by Richard Larritt. It has 3 manuals, 62 speaking stops, 18 couplers, electro-pneumatic action.
For a full history and photos click here.


1. Church website
2. Methodist Church of Australasia Ministerial Index
3. Organ Historical Trust of Australia with permission.