Kerang, VIC - St John the Evangelist Anglican

Denomination: Anglican

Saint: John

Address: 60 Wyndham Street, Kerang, Victoria, 3579

Architect: Unknown

Traditional Owners: Wemba-Wemba people

Last Updated: 07/08/2023

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History and Architecture:

The current Church was officially opened on 10 September 1954 by the Archbishop of St Arnaud. He was assisted by the Ven Archdeacon E Webber Registrar of St Arnaud.The Church was Officially opened on 10 September 1954 by the Archbishop of St Arnaud. He was assisted by the Ven Archdeacon E Webber Registrar of St Arnaud.


This list may not contain every serving cleric, past or present, for this church.
Further submissions welcomed.

Years Name Annotation D.o.B D.o.D
1881 - 1883 Rev Horace Graham 1842 1912
1883 - 1894 Rev Edwin Henry Scott Lay Reader 83 / Deacon 1847 1934
1892 - 1893 Rev Harrinton Joseph Mitchell 1859 1895
1893 - 1897 Rev Edmund Richmond Clough 1871 1949
1895 - 1897 Rev Frank Lynch Curate 95 / 96 1868 1929
1897 - 1897 Rev Henry Jones Alcock 1837 1915
1898 - 1903 Rev John Stanley Wells 1867 1927
1904 - 1919 Rev Jeremiah John Brydes 1869 1929
1906 - 1907 Rev Joseph Keating Locum 1852 1918
1911 - 1913 Rev Berkley Addison Rowell 1883 1942
1920 - 1924 Rev William Horace Hillard 1887 1951
1924 - 1928 Rev Alfred James Bamford 1893 1990
1928 - 1933 Rev Herbert William George Nichols 1889 1968
1933 - 1942 Rev Berkley Addison Rowell 1883 1942
1942 - 1950 Rev Jack Henry Lee 1907 1967
1950 - 1954 Rev Eric Webber 1906 1970
1954 - 1956 Rev Keith George Madin 1915 1959
1957 - Rev Ronald Geoffrey White 1914 1969


No information currently available. Submissions welcomed.


1. Church of St James the Greater, Mystic Park. LTP 283.9459C 47 A
2. Cable Clerical Index wih permission.