Lyndoch, SA - Holy Trinity Anglican

Year Built: 1861

Denomination: Anglican

Address: Corner Altona Road & Barossa Valley Way, Lyndoch, South Australia, 5351

Architect: Unknown

Traditional Owners: Peramangk and Kaurna people

Last Updated: 04/02/2024

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History and Architecture:

Land for this church was set aside as a gift from the South Australian Company which completed the survey of the Lyndoch Valley in 1839. One acre of land was donated to the Church of England for a  church and cemetery, but before the building was finished the area was flooded and another site had to be found.

Another grant of land in 1850,  this time from the SA Government allowed work to be re-commenced. Nearby ironstone was quarried for the walls and slates for the original sections of the roof, floor tiles and glass were imported from England, and carted by bullock wagons from Port Adelaide. The total cost was £390 and 17 shillings. The main hall of the church was built in 1861, the bell added in 1881 and the chancel In 1909. The Reverend A Sells, a  well known South Australian painter, was Rector here in the 1870s.

It is a small ironstone  church of simple hall form with a projecting porch, with four pointed lancet windows on each side and a  bell gablet. Later repair work has rendered the east wall.

The rectory is of a  later date and was constructed of random sandstone on a bluestone plinth with red brick dressings (circa 1930).


This list may not contain every serving cleric, past or present, for this church.
Further submissions welcomed.

Years Name Annotation D.o.B D.o.D
1865 - Rev Whitmore Carr 1823 1903
1867 - 1869 Rev Henry Read 1831 1888
1870 - 1877 Rev Robert Bennett Webb 1840 1911
1877 - 1884 Rev A. Sells
1890 - 1900 Rev Hubert Allan Brooksbanks 1861 1942
1900 - 1905 Rev Thomas Ghent Locum 1862 1951
1906 - 1910 Rev Walter Franz Wehhrstedt
1910 - 1922 Rev Frederick Lewis Walker 1874 1960
1922 - 1924 Rev James Henry Waters 1881 1945
1927 - 1938 Rev Cedric Willian Lyon Noon 1897 1960
1938 - Rev Eric Alfred Burden 1903 1944
1948 - 1958 Rev Eric Tuson Payne Croston 1912 1990
1958 - 1960 Rev W. J. Maloney
1968 - 1974 Rev V. F. Myer 1906 1993
1970 - Rev R.D. Daunton Fear
1983 - 1987 Rev B. R. Jones


The organ was built in 1986 and completed in 2000.


1. Glenn Burdon 2021 confirming spelling of Rev Burden.


Rev Burden death of notice.jpg