Manly, NSW - Manly Village Uniting

Year Built: 1924

Denomination: Uniting

Address: 4 West Promenade, Manly, New South Wales, 2095

Previous Denomination: Methodist

Architect: Burcham Clamp and Finch

Traditional Owners: Gayemagal people

Last Updated: 19/11/2023

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History and Architecture:

The Church building was erected corner Gilbert Street and West Prominard in 1924. The architects were Burcham Clamp and Finch, and the builders were Jefferay and Bartlett of Parramatta. Built in a Neo-Romanesque-style the church was constructed of dark brick with light-red brick used to pick out the arch, doors and window openings has fine proportions.

The Church was opened on 20 June 1925 by Rev Harold Wheen, the president of the Methodist Conference.10 The minister of the new church was Rev R J Thomas. The building cost £17,000.

A Foundation stone reads, " To the Glory of the Triune God this Foundation stone was laid by Edwin Godfrey J.P. December 8th 1924. EBENEZER".


These names are now in the database and can be search individually

Years Name Annotation D.o.B D.o.D
1892 - 1892 Rev G. Thompson WM
1893 - 1894 Rev W. F. Oakes WM
1895 - 1895 Rev Arthur J. Webb WM 1847 1899
1896 - 1896 Rev Frederick W.A. Roberts WM 1859 1917
1897 - 1898 Rev J. H. Lewin WM
1899 - 1901 Rev Thomas Frederick Potts M 1862 1934
1906 - 1908 Rev G. Thompson M
1909 - 1911 Rev J. C. Hill M
1912 - 1913 Rev L. H. Kelnack M
1914 - 1917 Rev H. C. Foreman M
1918 - 1919 Rev F. C. Ball M
1920 - 1920 Rev P. J. Stephens M
1921 - 1923 Rev Frank Reginald Swynny M 1885 1956
1924 - 1926 Rev R. J. Thomas M
1927 - 1931 Rev Frank H. Rayward M
1934 - 1936 Rev William E. Taylor M
1935 - 1940 Rev Raymond H. Doust M 1889 1969
1938 - 1943 Rev W. Epworth Barker M
1940 - 1945 Rev Riddiford C. Oakley M 1964
1945 - 1948 Rev Robert B. Lew M
1943 - Rev Silas Bembrick Sup 1962
1946 - 1951 Rev Reuben Bird M 1924 2016
1948 - 1953 Rev Rupert J. Williams M
1950 - Rev William Coleman Sup
1951 - 1956 Rev Arthur E. Brawn M
1953 - 1960 Rev Norman G. Pardey M
1954 - Rev W. Epworth Barker Sup
1954 - Rev William H.D. Butler Sup
1956 - Rev Donald F. Boorman M 1906 1992
1956 - Rev Walter H. Willey Sup
1957 - Rev Scarth Fleminng Sup
1958 - Rev Frank H. Rayward Sup
1960 - Rev Wesley J. Douglass M 1989
2023 ? - Rev John Barker


The Organ was built by Charles Richardson c.1900 for the Ocean Street Congregational Church, Woollahra, and rebuilt by Walkers in 1981 (2/17 electro-magnetic). The organ was purchased by the Manly Methodist Church in 1925 and was installed by C W Leggo.
For a complete history and photos click here.


1. Methodist Church of Australasia Ministerial Index
2. Ryerson Index.
3. Northern Beaches Library Hub